Code Handout to accompany final exam CSCI 455 F15 Bono Note much of the documentation here is described in terms of interfaces mostly to save space in this way we don t have to describe every method for every class Each interface section lists the classes we have learned about that implement the given interface Also it s all Java except where C is specified Stack ElmtType class boolean empty tests if this stack is empty ElmtType peek looks at the top object of the stack stack unchanged ElmtType pop removes top element of the stack and return it ElmtType push ElmtType item pushes an item onto the top of the stack Collection ElmtType Interface Some classes that implement this interface are ArrayList LinkedList TreeSet and HashSet Selected methods boolean contains elmt Returns true iff this element is in this collection int size Returns number of elements in this collection boolean add elmt Ensures that element is in this collection Returns true iff this collection changed as a result of this call boolean remove elmt Removes an instance of this element from this collection Returns true iff this collection changed as a result of this call boolean isEmpty Returns true iff this collection contains no elements Iterator ElmtType iterator Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection Iterator ElmtType Interface Some classes that implement this interface are Scanner ListIterator Selected methods boolean hasNext Returns true iff the iteration has more elements ElmtType next Returns the next element in the iteration Each successive call returns a different element in the underlying collection For Scanner the ElmtType is always String More other side 1 Code Handout to accompany final exam CSCI 455 F15 Bono Map KeyType ValueType Interface Some classes that implement this interface are TreeMap and HashMap Selected methods ValueType put key value Associates the specified value with the specified key in this map If the map previously contained a mapping for this key the old value is replaced by the specified value Returns the previous value associated with specified key or null if there was no mapping for key ValueType get key Returns the value to which this map maps the specified key or null if the map contains no mapping for this key ValueType remove key Removes the mapping for this key from this map if it is present otherwise returns null int size Number of key value mappings in this map boolean isEmpty Returns true if this map contains no key value mappings Miscellaneous Some other stuff you may have used before and forgotten Suppose you have an initialized String variable called s new Scanner s constructs a new Scanner that produces values scanned from the specified string s trim removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string returns a copy with the changes s split regex splits this string around matches of given regular expression and returns the pieces in an array of strings regex is type String Node type and ListType this is the only part of the code handout with C code struct Node int data Node next Node data 0 next NULL Node int d data d next NULL Node int d Node n data d next n typedef Node ListType More other side 2
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