USC CSCI 455x - CS 455 Final Exam Fall 2015

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Name USC NetID e g ttrojan CS 455 Final Exam Fall 2015 Bono Dec 15 2015 There are 6 problems on the exam with 70 points total available There are 10 pages to the exam 5 pages double sided including this one make sure you have all of them If you need additional space to write any answers pages 8 9 and 10 are left blank for that purpose If you use these pages for answers you just need to direct us to look there Note if you give multiple answers for a problem we will only grade the first one Avoid this issue by labeling and circling your final answers and crossing out any other answers you changed your mind about though it s fine if you show your work Put your name and USC username a k a NetID at the top of the exam Also put your NetID at the top right of the front side of each page of the exam Please read over the whole test before beginning Good luck 1 Problem 1 6 pts total Part A Consider the following binary search tree whose root is shown nearest the top of the page i e it s not a sideways tree Joe Lou Dan Ann Abe Kat Cal Sam Pat Van For each of the following lookups from the tree shown above give the sequence of keys that the target key would have to be compared with to do the lookup Part A lookup Cal Part B lookup Molly Part C lookup Fred Problem 2 2 pts Give the big O worst case time for checking if an array of size n is already sorted 2 USC NetID Problem 3 10 points The following Java method is supposed to do what its method comment says below but it doesn t work correctly in all cases see the code handout for more about the Stack class Returns true iff the given string consists of zero or more a characters followed by the same number of b characters public static boolean sameABs String str Stack Character s new Stack Character int i 0 while i str length str charAt i a s push str charAt i i while i str length str charAt i b s pop i return i str length s empty Part A 6 Come up with some test cases for the function and verify whether they work on the code above While there are more interesting test cases than just three write down three specific test cases as described below A string for which sameABs correctly returns true A string for which sameABs correctly returns false A string for which sameABs does not work correctly Part B 4 Fix the code so it works for any string You should make your modifications directly in the code above using arrows to show where your new code should be inserted crossing out code that you would get rid of etc 3 Problem 4 20 points In lecture and a lab we discussed Java code to create versions of a concordance that computed the number of occurrences of each distinct word in a file Here we re going to make a version of our Concord class that creates a concordance that has all the locations of each distinct word in a file We will use the line number as a word s location Here is an example of some input and the corresponding output when we build a concordance for it and print it just using toString type format the big dog went to the big dog and the other big dog went to the the big elephant and 2 big 1 2 3 dog 1 2 elephant 3 other 2 the 1 2 3 to 1 2 went 1 2 Note that even if a word appears more than once on a line we only list that line number once Some more details of the problem You don t have to worry about putting words into some canonical form for the purposes of this problem e g you may assume there is no punctuation or capital letters in the input For a file with n words your code must build the concordance in at worst nlogn time and be able to print it out in alphabetical order in linear time you are not required to write the toString code It is expected that you will use the Java library to make your code short and fast See the code handout for a reminder of some classes and methods You will be evaluated in part on appropriate use of these tools We have written the code to read the file for you see next page You need to fill in the private data complete the constructor and complete build by implementing the private method processLine Write your answer in the spaces provided on the next page 4 USC NetID Problem 4 cont public class Concord put private data here public Concord creates an empty concordance public String toString you don t have to write this method public void build Scanner in int currLineNum builds the concordance from data read from in 1 while in hasNextLine String currLine in nextLine processLine currLine currLineNum currLineNum calls helper function below helper func adds all the words in this line to the concordance as occurring on lineNum private void processLine String line int lineNum 5 Problem 5 10 pts total Consider the following C code to dynamically create a Student object Note the Student class is not shown you may assume it has a constructor that takes a String argument Student joe joe new Student Joe create a pointer to an object in C dynamically allocate an object in C Consider each of the four possible headers for a C function foo that takes a student as a parameter Part A 4 For each of the headers below to the right of that header show the corresponding call to pass the student joe created in the code above to the function We started but didn t finish the first one for you Header void foo1 Student s Corresponding call foo1 void foo2 Student s void foo3 Student s void foo4 const Student s Part B 2 In Java all objects are created dynamically i e with new as was the C object created at the top of the page Which of the above four function headers and calls most closely corresponds to the semantics of how objects are passed in Java Write the name of that function below By semantics we mean how it works not what its syntax is Part C 4 Draw a box and pointer diagram for the call to the function you indicated in part B Show all variables used and their values 6 USC NetID Problem 6 22 points total Part A 20 Write the C Boolean function allUnique which takes a linked list of ints and returns true iff all the values in the list are unique i e there are no duplicate values in the linked list Restrictions the list must be unmodified by the function and the function is only allowed …

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USC CSCI 455x - CS 455 Final Exam Fall 2015

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