UIUC ECON 103 - CHLH 100 Assignment D- Quacks, Frauds, Culture & Health Decisions

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CHLH 100 Assignment D Quackery Fraud How Your Experiences Inform Health Decisions Overview The purpose of this assignment is to help each student define core terms in the course explore course material from a personal perspective and identify strategies to combine experiential and course learnings moving forward Learning Objectives Students will o Define core concepts of quackery and fraud o Reflect on how Health information was consumed and how health decisions were made in their family Cultural experiences affected the information review and decision making o Examine how you will use your historical experience and new knowledge to be a better informed consumer Instructions Create a document with your name and UIN on top that contains the following 1 Your definition of quackery and fraud not the textbook s definitions 2 1 2 short paragraphs about how health information was consumed and health decisions were made in your family 3 A short paragraph about how you will use your previous experience and knowledge from the course for making health related decisions 4 Use Times New Roman font in size 12 Use 1 inch margins Submitting Your Assignment Be sure to submit by the deadline listed in the syllabus and in Compas Reminder Your file must be a doc docx or pdf file Rubric Guidance The homework assignment is worth 30 points Grades will be based on Definition of quackery Definition of fraud 1 2 short paragraphs about how health information was consumed and health decisions were made in your family A short paragraph about how you will use your previous experience and knowledge from the course for making health related decisions 5 points 5 points 10 points 10 points

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UIUC ECON 103 - CHLH 100 Assignment D- Quacks, Frauds, Culture & Health Decisions

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