ANP 370 1st Edition Lecture 12 Outline of Last Lecture I Organ Trafficking in Bangladesh a Exploitation of the poor II Blood commercialization in the US Outline of Current Lecture III Moral Neutrality in Experimental Science Lecture Moral Neutrality in Experimental Sciences Matthew Green first UK citizen to not have a human heart has an artificial heart Scientific ingenuity Focusing on organ scarcity it is the organ s shortage not the technology that is the barrier for scientific innovation How many artificial organs are being transplanted each year a celebratory statement But no detailed account exists of the suffering of Green and other patients mostly of the unsuccessful ones The moral dimension of experimental science The book focuses on the silenced nature of patients suffering Professional promise of saving lives but the scientific discourse of technological innovation At the same time the complex moral consequences that mechanical organs and xeno transplantation animal to human carry forward Morality and science These notes represent a detailed interpretation of the professor s lecture GradeBuddy is best used as a supplement to your own notes not as a substitute Science is objective unemotional and value free It must remain morally neutral while morality should be the purview of religion and philosophy Sharp challenges these assumptions illustrating that moral convictions surface regularly in certain scientific domains particularly in highly experimental field of mechanical and xeno transplants Bioethics and Ordinary Ethics The bioethics and institutional review board verses The quotidian context of scientific imagination Sharp tracks across the moral undertone of professional narratives persistence advancements and promises of innovative transplant pursuits Ex thought processes behind scientific decisions why would you use baboons to conduct experiments Scientific and Ethnographic Imagination More experiments more imagination that shoulders themes of hope promise and desire High level of unpredictability Mundane practices can reveal much more about values that drive science in action how scientists think through and justify what they do in the laboratory and beyond Experimental Ethos Professional responsibility values vs Personal passion desire value How scientists talk informally about their work in quotidian contexts The history of the project The project emerged out of a wider interest in organ transfer in the US 1991 2004 By 2003 Sharp started focusing on the futuristic visions of organ transplant Worked in five Anglophone countries US Canada UK Australia and New Zealand Visited laboratories corporate headquarters animal farms as well as talked with individual scientists inventors and attended conferences for nearly 8 years Outline of the book Chapter one the promises challenges and dangers of embodied hybridity Chapter two on xenotransplant when and why primates or pigs define the most ideal candidates as donor species Chapter three on bioengineering how inventors transform and tinker the human body through biomechanical enhancements Chapter four both fields rely on investment capital transforming animal mechanical devices and human patients
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