University of Massachusetts Amherst ECON 104 02 Introduction to Macroeconomics Spring Semester 2019 Instructor Office E mail Office Hours Materials Patrick Dolenc Ph D Crotty Hall 214 pdolenc umass edu Mondays Wednesdays 8 15 a m 8 45 a m or by appointment Case Fair Oster Principles of Macroeconomics 12th edition Pearson http myeconlab com Course ID dolenc26375 Moodle provides the course specific website for course documents Course Description Economic theory of the macro economy Determinants of unemployment rates inflation rates national income GDP Tools of public policy available which can be used to promote macroeconomic goals Gen Ed SB Teaching assistant information will be posted on Moodle Course Grades Your course grade will be based upon MyEconLab Assignments Mid Semester Exams 25 each Comprehensive Final Exam Final grades rely on the following scale 93 above 90 to 92 87 to 89 83 to 86 80 to 82 77 to 79 73 to 76 70 to 72 60 to 69 A AB B BC C CD 20 50 30 100 MyEconLab Assignments MyEconLab provides online graded assignments that are linked to the assigned reading The work that you do on MyEconLab is time sensitive so pay careful attention to the deadlines We drop several of your lowest scores but there is NO provision for making up missed MyEconLab work To register start at http myeconlab com and create a student account Use our course ID dolenc26375 to access the course website and to start working on the first assignments these are due Friday February 8th at 11 59 p m Exams Evening exams are scheduled for Feb 27th and Apr 3rd Exams draw from assigned reading lectures and discussion sections as well as MyEconLab assignments The exam format will include short answer and problem solving components Short answer questions focus on various combinations of three themes as they relate to course content 1 explaining concepts 2 applying concepts concretely and 3 evaluating the importance of a concept Study guides with detailed guidelines will be distributed prior to each exam The final exam is comprehensive Bring a photo ID to each exam Makeup Policy Makeup opportunities are only available for circumstances beyond your control that can be documented To be eligible for a makeup contact your teaching assistant prior to the exam and as soon as is reasonably possible If you have a schedule conflict with another exam then you must follow the University policy for resolving conflicts see https www umass edu registrar sites default files EveningExamConflicts pdf and notify your teaching assistant no later than the week before our scheduled evening exam If you are eligible to take a makeup exam you must complete it within one week of the regularly scheduled exam to avoid a penalty Classroom Behavior Treat all members of this class as well as opposing viewpoints with respect If you come in late or must leave early do so in the least disruptive manner possible Turn your cell phone off or to a silent mode before each class session If you fail to respect these guidelines you may be required to withdraw from the course This class will strictly adhere to the University policy on academic honesty particularly with respect to the intentional use or attempted use of materials information or study aids other than those specifically authorized in an attempt to claim credit for learning not one s own The exams must be taken without assistance and assignments must be completed without unacknowledged assistance Violation of this policy will result in failure for the particular exam or assignment with more serious or repeat offenses resulting in failure for the course For a more detailed discussion of the University policy please refer to the Undergraduate Catalog If you have questions on these or other matters please do not hesitate to ask
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