Friend of a Friend FOAF Steven Seida Keven L Ates From Wikipedia and http xmlns com foaf spec FOAF Overview The FOAF Vocabulary is built on RDF Schema and OWL Web Ontology Language It has numerous class and property resources The classes and properties can be divided into broad categories The classes and properties have internal definitions that assist with reasoning using rdf type multiple rdfs subClassOf rdfs subPropertyOf rdfs domain rdfs range Other advanced OWL constructs FOAF at a Glance Classes Agent Document Group Image OnlineAccount OnlineChatAccount OnlineEcommerceAccount OnlineGamingAccount Organization Person PersonalProfileDocument Project Properties accountName accountServiceHomepage aimChatID based near birthday currentProject depiction depicts dnaChecksum family name firstName fundedBy geekcode gender givenname holdsAccount homepage icqChatID img interest isPrimaryTopicOf jabberID knows logo made maker mbox mbox sha1sum member membershipClass msnChatID myersBriggs name nick openid page pastProject phone plan primaryTopic publications schoolHomepage sha1 surname theme thumbnail tipjar title topic topic interest weblog workInfoHomepage workplaceHomepage yahooChatID Note Upper CamelCase for classes and lower camelCase for properties Broad Categories FOAF Basics Personal Info Online Accounts IM Projects and Groups Documents and Images Agent Person name nick title homepage mbox mbox sha1sum img depiction depicts surname family name givenname firstName weblog knows interest currentProject pastProject plan based near workplace Homepage workInfo Homepage schoolHomepage topic interest publications geekcode myersBriggs dnaChecksum OnlineAccount OnlineChat Account OnlineEcommerce Account OnlineGaming Account holdsAccount accountService Homepage accountName icqChatID msnChatID aimChatID jabberID yahooChatID Project Organization Group member membershipClass fundedBy theme Document Image PersonalProfile Document topic page primaryTopic tipjar sha1 made maker thumbnail logo Example Basic Example rdf RDF xmlns foaf http xmlns com foaf 0 1 foaf Person rdf about me foaf name Dan Brickley foaf name foaf mbox sha1sum 241021fb0e6289f92815fc210f9e9137262c252e foaf mbox sha1sum foaf homepage rdf resource http danbri org foaf img rdf resource images me jpg foaf Person rdf RDF This brief example introduces the basics of FOAF It basically says there is a foaf Person namely a default document resource me with a foaf name property of Dan Brickley and a foaf mbox sha1sum property of 241021fb0e6289f92815fc210f9e9137262c252e and has a foaf homepage relationship to a URI http danbri org and has a foaf img relationship to a relative URI of images me jpg FOAF Example The following FOAF profile written in XML format states that Jimmy Wales is the name of the person described his e mail address homepage and depiction are resources which means that each of them can be described using RDF as well he has an interest with Wikipedia and he knows a person named Angela Beesley FOAF Example rdf RDF xmlns foaf http xmlns com foaf 0 1 xmlns rdf http www w3 org 1999 02 22 rdf syntax ns xmlns rdfs http www w3 org 2000 01 rdf schema foaf Person rdf about JW foaf name Jimmy Wales foaf name foaf mbox rdf resource mailto jwales bomis com foaf homepage rdf resource http www jimmywales com foaf nick Jimbo foaf nick foaf depiction rdf resource http www jimmywales com aus img small jpg foaf interest rdf resource http www wikimedia org rdfs label Wikipedia foaf knows foaf Person foaf name Angela Beesley foaf name foaf Person foaf knows foaf Person rdf RDF
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