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EVR1001L Fall 2018 Lab 8 Green Building Lab Report Materials and Methods This lab is focused around navigating the house and focusing on the common methods to reduce overall energy consumption Each room was evaluated starting with the lobby foyer of the house then heading into the living room followed by the kitchen dinning room bedroom laundry room bathroom gym and the outside of the house After evaluating each room the necessary changes were made to increase energy efficiency In some rooms windows were changed from doubled glazed to triple glazed carpet was added electronics were put on auto off mode The overall purpose of this lab was to find was to conserve the most energy as possible by replacing upgrading or modifying items in the different rooms Results Tables and Graphs Table 1 shows what change happened in each room to an object and explains how it is more energy efficient or sustainable because of that change Room Object Item Change Lobby Foyer Windows Double glazed to triple glazed Living Room Living Room Plasma TV DVD Player Living Room Living Room Carpet Ceiling Fan Enabling Auto Turn off Turns player off when not in use Added carpet to floor Added a ceiling fan Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Refrigerator Dishwasher Oven Lights Replace Replace Clean oven regularly Replace lightbulbs to CFL How does the change make the house more sustainable or energy efficient Better heat retention less energy used for home heating Saves energy Saves energy Provide warmth Will make the room cooler without the added energy consumption of Air Conditioning More efficient model More efficient Improve efficiency More efficient Value 25 10 10 10 25 60 40 30 10 Kitchen Windows Double glazed to triple glazed Replace thermostat Better heat retention less energy used for home heating More control over temperature Dining Room Dining Room Bedroom Bedroom Thermostat 200 Windows Double glazed to triple glazed Improving environmental friendliness 25 Laptop Ceiling Fan Enable Hibernation Mode Added a ceiling fan 10 25 Bedroom Hair Dryer Bedroom Windows Leave unplugged when not used Double glazed to triple glazed Saves energy and provides warmth Will make the room feel cool without the added energy consumption of Air Conditioning No extra energy wasted 25 Laundry Room Laundry Room Laundry Room Laundry Room Laundry Room Bathroom Washer Set Washer to cold wash Tumble Dryer Clothes Line Water Heater Lights Upgrade to newer model Better heat retention less energy used for home heating More efficient to wash at lower temperature More efficient model Reduce the amount of energy consumed Reduced energy by lowering temperature More efficient 60 Toilet Reduce amount of water used per flush 10 Bathroom Bathroom Shower Windows Replace toilet with low flow design Add a low flow shower head Double glazed to triple glazed 10 25 Gym Gym Gym Lights Insulation Ceiling Fan Gym Gym Windows Television Study Computer Study Windows Outdoors Solar Panels Reduce consumption Better heat retention less energy used for home heating Replace lightbulbs to CFL More efficient Add insulated walls Reduce energy cost Added a ceiling fan Will make the room cooler without the added energy consumption of Air Conditioning Double glazed to triple glazed Improving environmental friendliness Enable an auto switch off Turns off after a period of inactivity feature and saves energy Enable Hibernation Mode Turns off after a period of inactivity and saves energy Double glazed to triple glazed Better heat retention less energy used for home heating Install solar panels on the roof Improving environmental friendliness In warmer weather use clothes line to dry clothes Lower Temperature Replace lightbulbs to CFL 25 10 30 40 60 10 10 20 25 25 10 10 25 1 000 Discussion and Conclusions The most efficient changes that I believe were made to the house were adding the solar panels replacing the thermostat with a better model putting the water heater on a lower temperature changing the doubled glazed windows to triple glazed and while changing the lightbulbs to CFL bulbs seemed like a small act overall it will conserve a lot of energy These changes I believe are the most efficient because they not only save more money than the other smaller changes but their overall impact will be higher By adding the solar panels to the house it will make the house more sustainable by improving environmental friendliness Solar panels generate energy by allow photons to knock electrons fee from atoms This device is able to convert sunlight to electricity The more sunlight it is able to convert the more energy that is saved When replacing the thermostat with a better model there will be more control over air conditioning and heating so less energy will be wasted on heating and cooling Because the water heater is now set to a lower temperature it reduced the overall energy that it has to use The windows were then changed fro double glazed to triple glazed this improvement leads to better heat retention and less energy used for home heating Lastly the other biggest change I believe that was made to the house was replacing the halogen bulbs to CFL bulbs which uses way less energy to produce light These 5 changes will save 1 525 There are definitely 5 things I can do to my house to make it more energy efficient greener First I can change my lightbulbs to CFL bulbs which will be more efficient I can enable my laptop to go into hibernation mode after a period of inactivity to save energy I can enable auto turn off on my television and can also unplug my electronics like my hairdryer and straightener when I am not using them which will save energy Lastly I can use a clothes line to dry some of my bulkier clothes items with will conserve energy by not using the dryer I already do this when it comes to items that take a longer time to dry in the dryer but I will start doing this even more After doing the carbon footprint activity I was able to realize how much more I can do to limit my waste My total annually from my households CO2 emissions lbs was 122 145 But after I read through all of the ways I can reduce my footprint my new total after my planned actions was 96 686 lbs There are many things that can b done to lower your carbon footprint like washing your clothes on cold which I already to replacing your lightbulbs with energy efficient ones

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FSU EVR 1001L - Lab 8: Green Building Lab Report

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