Unit 1 Sociology 100 Notes Sociology study of what is invisible human behavior in society The sociological perspective The sociological perspective understand human behavior by placing it within its broader social context C Wright Mills studying the link between history and biography External influences our experiences are a part of our thinking and motivation Social location the places people are located in society Jobs income education Gender sex Region Age Race Different things expected of people based on social location March 23rd 2018 Introduction to the Sociological Perspective Sociology in everyday life Seinfeld the close talker Fox s The Swan NFL football fans in Green Bay vs Dallas Culture Boulder vs Greely The social organization of UNC bureaucracy Symbolism of collegiate athletic pride Hook em horns guns up gig em Tattoos with meaning wearing a Trump t shirt or Obama music bands Friend or ally or enemy How do tattoos reflect to symbolism Symbolic interaction Intro to Sociology The Big Three and their Theories Methods Intro to Sociology Objectives Karl Marx Emile Durkheim and Max Weber Conflict theory Functionalism and Symbolic Interactionism Apply all to a social problem Divorce Marx Alienation Durkheim Anamoy Weber Rationalization Levels of Sociological Analysis Micro and Macro Micro social interaction in small scale patterns Symbolic interactionists Face to face conversation Macro large scale patterns of society Conflict and Functional theorists Tax system Access to education 1st Theory The Big Three Sociologists Karl Marx Emile Max Weber Sociologist Karl Marx Theory Conflict Revolutionary Analyzed exploitation of the working class by capitalists He did not consider himself to be a sociologist Do not teach Marx in an honest way presented different than what he really is Social media and society give a negative input to Marxism Class conflict Workers are oppressed by employers Small groups control means of production Alienation being removed from the product of one s labor Class conflict Bourgeoisie exploit Proletariat which results in conflict Alienation from Labor From each other From full human potential From self Use these for Conflict Theory Bourgeoisie Proletariats Use for the paper Alienated from the profit of your labor False Consciousness When your blind from the structural reality Blind to the structural reality of your society Oprah Winfrey Barack Obama Class Consciousness Proletariats Realize similar position to the means of production that unite and get rid of Bourgeoisie Whites who support Trump Conflict Theory Conflict Theory Society is composed of groups in competition for scarce resources Karl Marx The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles Envisioned a communist society to replace the capitalist class structure There has never been a marxist society in our world Yale University video example Invest to make growth Focusing on making more instead of school quality Make billions and they pay nothing to the government property tax Stealing from the poor to make the rich richer Religious organizations don t pay taxes Conflict Theory Divorce Study those in power Divorce rates According to a conflict theorist Women have always been su 2nd Theory The big three Sociologist Emile Durkheim Theory Functionalism Durkheim helped establish sociology as an academic discipline Saw society in terms of function Famous study on suicide Results of suicide social integration Females had lower rates of suicide Males had higher rates of suicide Males who are protestants higher rates Also rich people would commit more suicide Also rural people Egoism lack of social integration Anomie Breaking down of the norms and values of society People are left without proper moral guidance Their desires are no longer regulated by social norms Thus people are deviant Example People who talk behind the computer but won t talk face to face Isolated Face to face good social manner and when alone you become more mean telling that grandma off bc she cut you off in traffic Because of anomie everything moves too fast Emile Durkheim Social integration degree to which people are tied to their social group Human behavior cannot be understood by only looking at the individual Functional analysis society is a whole unit made up of interrelated parts that work together Society is like a living organism There was a more humane system The community was policing Parsons Six Social Systems Education Media Economy Politics Health Care Religion Family Neighborhood Works together Strain Theory When you do not have the institutional means to achieve culturally defined goals you become deviant Ex Chicago south side People have no access to these things and that s why there s so much violence We see all this deviance Theory Functionalism Later Robert Merton Manifest function intended Latent function unintended Ex Criminal Justice system Main purpose To deter crime manifest function Consequence Creates jobs Latent function March 26th 2018 How would functionalist theory explain divorce Ben Stein Clip talks about Functionalism Morals values what s breaking us apart Functional Analysis Divorce Divorce rates According to functionalist Family used to function as an economic whole Today families seek external support Jobs grocery store schools churches Marriages become more fragile Outsourced 3rd Theory Symbolic Interactionism SI Symbolic Interactionism the study of how people use symbols to communicate How do we define ourselves Through interactions Self Identity Our behaviors depend on the way we define ourselves and others Symbolic Interactionists study f ace to face interactions a nd relationships It is all about interaction Symbolic Interaction Today Symbols have changed Martial roles Parenthood What is a proper role for a husband today SI sociologists examine how changing ideas symbols affect married couples Shame 50 years ago a stay at home dad Divorce rates According to a symbolic interactionist Before 1900s divorce viewed as an immoral harmful actions Meaning of marriage changed Now marriage is a temporary arrangement Divorce freedom and new beginnings Not a Theory Rational The big three Sociologists Sociologist Max Weber No r eal theory interested in religion and rationalization Religion is a central force in social change Weber s major work The Protestant Ethic spirit Max Weber Rationalization of Society Weber viewed the Industrial Revolution and capitalism as evidence
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