UNC-Chapel Hill EXSS 181 - EXSS181 Final Study Guide

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Mid term 1 Intro History Science Define sport exercise psychology the scientific study of human behavior in sport and exercise and the practical application of that knowledge Three roles of sport psychologists Research training and consulting What are the two major types of questions in the field 1 How psychological factors affect an individual s physical performance 2 How does participating in sport exercise affect a person s psychological development health and well being What does B f P E mean Behavior is a function of both the Person and Environment Interactionist perspective dynamic and constantly changing History Who are the main historical figures What did they do Example who is Coleman Grifitth Norman Triplett studied social facilitation of bikers tested whether bikers rode faster when in groups than alone Coleman Griffith aka Father of Modern Sports Psychology credited with first research lab and worked with Norte Dame Football and Chicago Cubs Describe and explain the 6 periods of sport psychology 1 2 3 4 5 6 Early years 1895 1920 Norman Triplett Griffith Era 1921 1938 Lab at University of Illinois Preparation for the Future 1939 1965 Franklin Henry establishes Grad Program Establishment of Academic Branch 1966 1977 1 st NASPSPA conference Multidisciplinary Research 1978 2000 New research and establishment of journals Contemporary 2000 Present Identify and explain 3 ways of knowing What are the advantages and disadvantages of each 1 Common Sense intuition speculation a Strengths easy quick b Weakness Not based on experience so greatest chance of being wrong 2 Practical Experience observation case studies a Strengths Holistic immediate innovative b Weakness Susceptible to bias 3 Science systematic and controlled a Strengths Reliable objective and unbiased b Weakness Slow sometimes not practical What are the 4 steps involved in the scientific method 1 2 3 4 Develop the problem Formulate hypotheses Gather Data Analyze and Interpret Results Beyond Lecture Identify the IV and DV in the following statement Do 8 year old gymnasts learn new vaults faster if they are exposed to mastery versus coping models IV mastery vs coping model DV the speed at which they learn What is a theory A system of ideas intended to explain something ABCs of Sport and Exercise Psychology What are the individual ABCs of sport exercise psychology A affect feeling states B behavior actions C Cognition thoughts How do you define each of them and differentiate them from like constructs e g affect from emotion Positive affect optimal states of energy concentration Negative affect sense of distress or unpleasant engagement Ex How does anxiety influence performance Emotion affect and behavior directed at particular stimulus Mood global expression of affect or emotion Behavior effort skill aggression sportsmanship communication Ex How does playing a frustrating opponent affect performance Cognition informational motivational concentration Ex Tennis thoughts about strategy usually improve performance What were the primary take home points from the Martinent et al 2013 study Facilitators thought that emotion or is good Limitations in the study is social desirability Takeaway The right amount of affective states is different for everybody Be able to infer the ABCs from a case study Personality What is personality Sum of characteristics that make a person unique Explain the difference between internal psychological core typical responses and role related behavior in Hollander s model of personality Psychological core is the most basic level of your personality includes your attitudes and values the real you Typical Responses are how we usually respond to world around us Role Related Behavior is how your behavior changes as perceptions of your environment change ex Student at university and little league coach Name the big 5 traits Openness to Experience Conscientiousness Extraversion Agreeableness Neuroticism What is the iceberg profile The profile of a person with a psychological outlook characterized by more vigor and less tension depres sion anger fatigue and confusion than is foundin others This type of affect often is found in elite athlet es and others with physically active lifestyles Describe the trait approach to personality Why are traits a poor predictor of behavior on their own Trait theories imply that traits are consistent and generalizable Poor predictor of behavior because it doesn t explain what people do There are two theories that suggest that the situation influences personality development Name them and explain the basic premise of each 1 Behaviorism idea that people learn behaviors for specific situations via rewards and punishments 2 Social learning theory people learn behaviors for certain situations via observational learning modeling What does the interactionist approach to personality suggest about how personality develops Suggests that person factors and situation factors interact to determine behaviorism Should personality testing be used in athlete selection processes Why or why not No not sufficient evidence of reliability and validity doesn t account for not psychological factors affect sport performance Attribution Theory What is the definition of motivation 2 key parts The direction and intensity of effort What is are attributions How do they relate to success failure Interpretations or explanations of success or failure What are the two key assumptions of attribution theory Weiner 1979 1985 Motivation is influenced by attributions There are some commonly cited reasons for success and failure What are the 3 characteristics of attributions Be able to give an example of each type of attribution and or infer one from a case study 1 Stability 2 Locus of Causality 3 Locus of Control What do the stability causality and controllability of attributions mean in terms of psychological outcomes when the athlete wins succeeds Loses fails Stability creates greater expectation of same outcome happening again Internal causality creates greater pride for success or greater shame for failure In one s control creates greater motivation Describe the self serving bias and learned helplessness Self serving bias making attributions that help you increase or maintain your self esteem and confidence Learned helplessness a psychological state that where people have learned that failure is inevitable and out of their control Achievement Goal Theory What are the 2 assumptions of Achievement Goal Theory

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UNC-Chapel Hill EXSS 181 - EXSS181 Final Study Guide

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