UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Kin 470 Study Guide for Final F17

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Study Guide for Exercise Physiology Final Muscle Thermoregulation and Physiology of Training 1 What are the components of a motor unit 2 Describe the steps involved in excitation contraction coupling from activation of the alpha motor neuron to actomyosin binding 3 What does tetanus generate so much more force than a single muscle twitch 4 What are the molecular mechanisms underlying muscle relaxation 5 What is the role of troponin and tropomyosin in contraction 6 What is a t tubule and where is it located in the muscle cell 7 What is the function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum 8 What are the molecular mechanisms that underlie muscle fatigue from intense contractile activity 9 Diagram the force length relationship of muscle and explain the underling basis if the shape of this relationship 10 Plot the force velocity relationship of muscle and explain the implications of the shape 11 What are the steps of the cross bridge cycle Be sure to show the mechanical and biochemical events 12 What other than myosin uses ATP in the muscle during contraction 13 What step in the cross bridge cycle limits contraction velocity 14 What key observations led to the sliding filament theory of contraction 15 How do the contractile properties of muscle differ based on fiber type 16 What are the methods of determining fiber type And what distinguishes the different types of fibers both in terms of function and structure 17 How does muscle respond to resistance training 18 What is hypertrophy and how does it differ from hyperplasia 19 How does the expression of myosin change with training 20 What are the putative causes of muscle fatigue in response to intense contractile activity 21 What generates greater maximal power slow or fast twitch muscle fibers Why Thermoregulation 1 What are the mechanisms of heat loss and heat gain 2 Which mechanisms are predominant at rest and how does this change with exercise 3 What do you need to know to calculate a change in core body temperature caused by exercise 4 How does the body sense and responds to changes in temperature What structures are involved 5 What is the difference between heat exhaustion and heat stroke And how do the recommended treatment different 6 How does the body compensate when exercising in a hot and humid environment vs a cool low humidity environment 7 What physiological changes underlie heat acclimatization and how long do they take and how long do they last 8 What are the components of the homeostatic mechanism that controls the physiological response to heat And cold 9 What is the relationship between exercise intensity and heat production How about heat loss Physiology of training 1 What are the principles that govern the physiological responses to exercise training 2 Provide an example of each training principle 3 How big a gain in VO2max can you expect from several months of endurance training 4 What are the physiological mechanisms that underlie the increases in VO2max with training 5 What are the central adaptations what and what are the underlying mechanisms of these adaptations 6 How do the mitochondria respond to this type of training And what is the role of intensity and duration 7 What happens to these adaptations when training stops i e detraining 8 What is the physiological response to resistance training And what is the time course of those changes 9 What are the molecular mechanisms underlying hypertrophy 10 When a muscle hypertrophies is it the result of an increase in proteins synthesis protein degradation or both 11 How do the molecular responses to endurance training differ from those for resistance training 12 How do the kinetics of oxygen uptake i e rate of change at a submaximal work change after endurance training And what are the underlying mechanisms of this effect Cumulative portion 1 Define Homeostasis Provide an example of a disease in which homeostasis breaks down What component of the system fails How would you treat it 2 How do enzymes work and what do they do in a reaction 3 Describe an oxidation reduction reaction 4 How many ATP molecules total are derived from one molecule of glucose 5 How many from glycolysis and how many from oxidative phosphorylation 6 How does the fuel source change with exercise intensity and duration 7 What are the fuel sources aka substrates used by the heart 8 What are systole and diastole and how does the duration of each change with exercise 9 What changes in the cardiovascular system that enable cardiac output to go from 5l min to 35l min when transitioning from rest to maximal exercise endurance type exercise 10 Define the different pulmonary volumes 11 What is the difference between the conducting zone and the respiratory zone in the lungs 12 How is myoglobin different than hemoglobin 13 How does lactate change as a function of exercise intensity and why does it demonstrate this relationship 14 How is blood doping thought to improve endurance performance

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UMass Amherst KIN 100 - Kin 470 Study Guide for Final F17

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