October 14 2017 Option 2 Extra Credit Growing Up Indian American As an Indian woman born and raised in America I have grown up facing a fair share of stereotypes regarding my race and ethnicity Race is typically based on physical characteristics and I would identify my race as Indian Ethnicity is something that is self defined and cultural and I would identify myself as Indian American Prejudice refers to negative thoughts and feelings about a group and discrimination refers to harmful acts against those who are considered inferior based on their race These two concepts go hand in hand and the Indian race has experienced both of these The prejudice I have faced in my lifetime has impacted my life greatly especially because I changed a lot of my ways in order to fit in better For example people would tell me all the time you don t smell like curry like all of the other Indians and after hearing this negative stereotype about my race I was always careful to stay away from the kitchen if my mom was cooking or I would put on perfume just in case there happened to be some kind of smell The Indian race has faced discrimination as well and the most recent story I heard was devastating A white man shot two Indian men while yelling get out of my country and tragically killing one of the men The white man believed the Indian race is inferior and therefore harmed these innocent men Hate crimes like these are some of the worst acts of discrimination seen in society today and hearing about this created an entirely different perspective on race and ethnicity
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