Pre labs Remember office hours Today s Outline Quiz 15 minutes Exercise 8 Long Bone Gross Anatomy Bone Histology Exercise 10 Introduction to Appendicular Skeleton Practical Review Objectives Describe the gross structure of a long bone and identify the parts on a real bone Describe the difference between compact and spongy bone Identify microscopic structures of compact and spongy bone Identify bones of the appendicular skeleton and be able to identify selected bones as left or right Identify bone features and articulations Long Bone Gross Anatomy Epiphyses enlarged proximal and distal ends 1 3 Epiphyseal plate layer of hyaline cartilage 5 Epiphyseal line when the plates close after puberty Diaphysis middle shaft area Medullary cavity 2 Metaphyses area where epiphyses and diaphysis join Long Bone Gross Anatomy Articular Cartilage Covers both epiphyses Periosteum 2 layers outer fibrous inner osteogenic Tough CT membrane covering rest of bone exterior Endosteum Lines medullary cavity Lines canals of compact bone Lines cavities within spongy bone of epiphyses Histology of Bone same composition different organization Compact Bone Spongy Bone Organization Osteons Location Diaphysis of long bones and covering bone surfaces Organization Trabeculae Location Between layers of compact bone and interior of short flat and irregular bones epiphysis metaphyses Organization of Compact Bone concentric lamellae rings central canal perforating canal horizontal osteocyte in lacuna small gaps Organization of Compact Bone Continued Interstitial lamellae between osteons lamella between osteons central canal contains nerves vessels osteon circumferential lamellae on the outside circumference of bone Organization of Spongy Bone interstitial Concentric lamellae Lacunae spaces Osteocytes cells Canaliculi spaces w dendritic processes Red Marrow Fills spaces Blood vessels within provide osteocytes with nutrients MAJOR DIFFERENCE between compact no central canal spider like shape allows blood vessels in and supply nutrients marrow cavity Collagen and Mineral Salts inorganic Extracellular matrix is made up of 25 water 25 collagen fibers and 50 mineral salts Collagen fibers organic flexibility tough fibrous protein provide tensile strength and flexibility for resistance to pulling and tension Mineral salts strength hardness calcium phosphate and calcium carbonate salts provide hardness to bone for resistance to compression Preceptor Presentation BONE FRACTURES medical term Diagnosis xray to locate and asses Appendicular Skeleton Bones of the upper extremity Bones of the pectoral girdles Bones of the pelvic girdle Bones of the lower extremity The Pectoral Girdle 1 Clavicle collar bone acromial sternal 2 Scapula shoulder blade Clavicle LATERAL MEDIAL POSTERIOR View Clavicle ANTERIOR Acromial end a Superior view Sternal end ANTERIOR Clavicle Conoid tubercle View b Inferior view Impression for the costoclavicular ligament POSTERIOR Scapula DOES NOT articulate with ribs attached by muscle and cartilage Acromion Coracoid process Spine Glenoid cavity Supraspinous fossa Infraspinous fossa MEDIAL LATERAL b Posterior view c Lateral view Pectoral Girdle Articulation The acromial end of the clavicle articulates with the acromial process of the scapula The pectoral girdle is attached to the axial skeleton by the articulation of the sternal end of the clavicle with the clavicular notch of the manubrium of the sternum The scapula does not articulate directly with the axial skeleton but is attached to it with muscles The Upper Limb 1 Humerus arm 2 Ulna medial bone of forearm 3 Radius lateral bone of forearm 4 Carpals wrist 5 Metacarpals palm of hand 6 Phalanges fingers capitulum trochlea Humerus GREATER TUBERCLE HEAD Humerus GREATER TUBERCLE LESSER TUBERCLE BODY SHAFT RADIAL FOSSA CORONOID FOSSA LATERAL EPICONDYLE OLECRANON FOSSA LATERAL EPICONDYLE MEDIAL EPICONDYLE Olecranon CAPITULUM articulates with radius TROCHLEA articulates with ulna Radius Radius Ulna a Anterior view b Posterior view Ulna Radius Elbow Joint If you have the elbow joint worksheet take it out The head of the radius articulates with the capitulum of the humerus The trochlear notch of the ulna articulates with the trochlea of the humerus The olecranon process of the ulna articulates with the olecranon fossa of the humerus The coronoid process of the ulna articulates with the coronoid fossa of the humerus The radial notch of the ulna articulates with the head of the radius Carpals wrist finger tips Middle phalanges second joint first joint palm wrist Some lovers try positions that they cannot handle thumb pinky wrist fingers scaphoid lunate triquetrum pisiform trapezium trapezoid capitate hamate CARPALS Scaphoid Capitate Trapezium CARPALS Lunate Pisiform CARPALS Scaphoid Trapezium Capitate Triquetrum Trapezoid Hamate Trapezoid METACARPALS Proximal Middle PHALANGES Distal a Anterior view MNEMONIC for carpal bones b Posterior view Stop Letting Those People Touch The Cadaver s Hand Scaphoid Lunate Triquetrum Pisiform Trapezium Trapezoid Capitate Hamate Proximal row Lateral Distal row Medial Lateral Medial Edward Tanner University of Alabama SOM Metacarpals palm 1 2 34 5 Anterior view 543 2 1 Posterior view Phalanges bones of digits thumb only proximal and distal P M D Anterior view Posterior view Digit Finger Phalanges bones of the fingers A proximal phalanx of II digit B middle phalanx of III digit C proximal phalanx of I digit C A B Let s Practice Identify parts of scapula clavicle humerus ulna radius and bones of the hand Identify bone markings Use diagrams in manual Think about articulations Try building your own appendages The Pelvic Girdle minus coccyx and sacrum three bones below 1 Os Coxa Coxal bone 2 Ilium big top Ischium medium what you sit on Pubis small smooth connects to other pubis by symphesis POSTERIOR ANTERIOR Iliac crest coccyx and sacrum here ILIUM Acetabulum Greater sciatic notch socket for femur Lesser sciatic notch PUBIS smooth Obturator foramen Ischial tuberosity what you sit on ISCHIUM b Detailed lateral view Left or right Find pubis should be forward find socket should be lateral to pubis on outside Info to Skip Page 144 Terms related to the pelvis Pelvic brim False pelvis True pelvis Pelvic inlet Pelvic outlet Identifying Sex of Os Coxa pubic symphysis of male less than 90 triangular pubic symphysis of female more than 90 round Male Female The Lower Limb 1 Femur thigh bone 2 Patella kneecap 3 Tibia leg bone 4 Fibula leg bone 5 Tarsus
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