Appendicular Skeleton Claudia Stanescu Ph D Office Hours in Gittings 108 Tue 10 11am and Thurs 1 2pm or by appointment Objectives 1 Name the bones of the pectoral girdle their articulations and bone features 2 Name the bones of the arm and forearm their articulations and bone features 3 Name the bones of the wrist and hand and describe how they are named 4 Differentiate between the pelvic girdle and the pelvis listing the bones that compose each Objectives 5 List the bones of the thigh and leg including the patella and describe their articulations and role in weight bearing and or limb joint stability Name the bone features for each bone 6 Name the bones of the ankle Be able to describe the articulations of the talus and understand the direction of weight transfer from tibia to talus to calcaneus and foot 7 List the bones of the foot and describe how they are named Appendicular Skeleton Bones of the limbs and the girdles that connect these bones to the axial skeleton 1 Pectoral girdles 2 scapula clavicle 2 Pelvic girdle 1 coxal bone os coxa Bones of the pectoral girdle The scapula does not articulate with the ribs articulation of clavicle only connection between axial and appendicular at acromial end no direct articulation with ribs muscle The Clavicle right superior view Clavicle View Acromial end of clavicle articulates with the acromion of the scapula appendicular skeleton Sternal end of the clavicle articulates with the clavicular notch of the sternum axial skeleton Sternal end POSTERIOR LATERAL Acromial end MEDIAL ANTERIOR The Scapula right posterior and lateral view Acromion articulates with clavicle Coracoid process anterior to acromion Spine major landmark Supraspinous fossa Glenoid cavity above spine Infraspinous fossa Lateral axillary border below spine Medial vertebral border MEDIAL LATERAL coracoid process important for attachment taking arm off looking in The Scapula right anterior view Acromion Coracoid process Glenoid cavity Subscapular fossa under scapula where muscles are located Medial vertebral border Lateral axillary border Scapula LATERAL MEDIAL arm shoulder to elbow forearm elbow to wrist Upper limb Humerus bone of the arm Radius lateral bone of the forearm Thumb association Ulna medial bone of the forearm Pinky association Carpals bones of the like carpal tunnel wrist Metacarpals bones of the palm Phalanges bones of the fingers digits Bone of the arm humerus Intertubercular Groove Greater Tubercle Head tuberosity is where muscle attaches Lesser Tubercle like shoulder Deltoid Tuberosity Coronoid Fossa funny bone ulna Capitulum condyle looks like head Medial Epicondyle looks like bowtie Trochlea condyle Olecranon Fossa Lateral Epicondyle above condyle Arm Features for Articulation with Forearm point of elbow Bones of the forearm ulna radius Head Olecranon process can opener Trochlear notch Coronoid process rotation for palm up or down Radial notch on ulna Ulna upsidedown Radial tuberosity biceps insertion Radius taller Interosseous Membrane connects bones separates muscles Head Styloid process Styloid process thumb pinky The Elbow Joint Name 5 pairs of bone features that articulate at the elbow joint to allow for flexion extension and supination pronation arm bend at elbow palm up and down Bones of the wrist and hand short bones long bones Pollex digit is a finger phalanx is singular only one bone Phalanx know names of phalanges and metacarpals ie proximal phalanx of digit ii Carpals lateral to medial top row then lateral to medial bottom row Some Lovers Try Positions That They Cannot Handle Bones of the pelvic girdle Pelvic girdle 2 coxal bones ilium ischium pubis minus sacrum coccyx Pelvis coxal bones sacrum and coccyx thing that looks like ears coxal bone sacrum coxal Coxal bone os coxa most superior most posterior most anterior inferior socket for head of femur what you sit on large hole Female vs Male Pelvis leg is knee to ankle Lower Limb Femur bone of the thigh Patella knee cap articulates with femur Tibia medial bone of the leg tubby by big toe Fibula lateral bone of the leg skinny by pinky toe Tarsals bones of the tarsus ankle ankle ankle bones Metatarsals bones of the sole of foot foot arch Phalanges bones of the toes 14 5 digits Bone of the thigh femur femur articulate with tibia NOT fibula Femur Greater trochanter hip fracture refers to neck of femur Head Lesser trochanter place for muscle Neck attachment Articulations Coxal bone acetabulum hamstrings attach Gluteal tuberosity gluteal muscle attaches Linea aspera long rough line aspera rough Tibia medial and lateral condyles Epicondyles Patella Fibula does not articulate with the femur Anterior Posterior Medial lateral condyles Bones of the leg tibia fibula below knee tibia has condyles that articulate with femur and fibula tibia fibula sit on top of talus Tibia and Fibula big by big toe skinny by pinky toe Tibia Lateral Condyle Medial condyle Head Tibial tuberosity quads articulate Fibula Anterior crest shin bone malleolus similar to styloid bones of ankle outside bumps Medial malleolus bigger Lateral malleolus sharper smaller Anterior Posterior talus sits here Bones of the ankle and foot foot phalanges match hand phalanges thumb big toe only has 2 Hallux Bones of the ankle and foot Talus articulates with tibia and fibula
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