TAMU POLS 207 - Fifty States and 90,000 Local Government III
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POLS 207 1st Edition Lecture 3 Outline of Last Lecture I Federal Government a Texas State Government cont b Federal Government System c National vs State vs Local Laws Outline of Current Lecture II Expenditures A 2007 Expenditures B Data available on lecture slide number 1 III Texas State Attributes IV Factors that affect spending Current Lecture 2007 Expenditures Total spending 4 4 trillion by all governments 57 federal 43 state and local 9 from federal government S L only spend 34 the other comes from federal government 14 521 per capita Most of the foreign aid goes to Israel Does not constitute a huge amount of the expenditure though Federal government spends the majority on health but it is the number 1 expense Number 2 is national defense but this is completely federally funded therefore it is number 1 for federal funding US spend more on the military than the other top 10 countries spending combined Top in the world for military expenditure Spending is still based on cold war mentality o People who receive social security have contributed to it However the problem is because there are more and more people retiring creating a different ratio between those in work and those retired o Cities are not limited by a balanced budget like many states are o Cities borrow a lot of money because of this Police and Corrections include judiciary police jails and prisoners The federal government provides some money but state and local governments mainly fund it Houston receives a lot of federal funding because it is a high profile terrorist target Welfare 7th on the list of spending Federal government provides a good chunk of funding for this Highways are local spending Housing Community development is mainly federal Natural resources is also mostly federally funded Fire is completely state and local funded Physical and demographic Size and population Percentage metropolitan 50k 100k Problems with a rural environment longer wait times for emergency services lack of resources lack of transportation links Urban areas high crime lack of jobs etc Wealth High income Social problems Murder Unemployment Educating children Coping with social problems Death penalty Costs of public education Texas is a lucky state because of all its oil this makes it a wealthy since there are a lot of natural resources

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TAMU POLS 207 - Fifty States and 90,000 Local Government III

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 2
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