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Ayala 1 Carena Ayala Caitlin Thornbrugh ENGL October 23 2012 Field Notes Pattern in observation and behaviors Artifacts and practices of culture Quotes Monday October 15th Approximately 7pm Observation I I am just getting situated and this guy is coughing profusely while he smokes the hookah the guys who work here are sitting on the tables and smoking hookah as well they are all sitting around the hookahs conversating talking about their everyday lives they are talking about classes they are taking and one of the other employees is preparing his pipe to smoke marijuanna out of he lays back on the couch and takes hits from his pipe the smell is wonderful It s instantly calming It smells so good that I would eat what ever it is that is producing the smell the guy with shaggy hair that is smoking the marijuana is now playing a drum beat on his leg with the pipe and lighter the people who are smoking the hookahs are laying the hookah pipes on their belles laying back relaxing there is a big screen tv with youtube pulled up on the screen and the employees play music there is a slower rap song playing right now There are only 4 customers here as of now an new guy walks in and proceeds to shake the bigger guys hand A bro like shake he walks to the hookah bar counter where it looks like you go to order hookah and food and drinks the guy now is behind the bar and calls Marsh to the bar and shows him something from his phone marsh is wearing a purple shirt and is the guy who gave me the password for the internet and talked to about observing for my paper The big guy seems to know everyone that walks in the door potential pattern the new guy with short dark hair walks through the door and the big guy shouts op I guess it s time to leave now and proceeds to laugh profusely what I would call a cackle the guy who allowed me to come and observe with the purple shirt on is very ATTRACTIVE and asked me if I needed help when I went to the bar to get a password but I told him I had already had someone helping me He is off in the distance typing on his laptop This girl walks in the door and meets with the newest guy that walked in and goes to the bar and grabs a cup of cold water the cute guy is now grooving to the music it is a slow jam type song it is making me laugh he is super cute now he is laughing and dancing and singing out the song he now takes his laptop to the other side of the table to join the new guy and girl they are all in a circle and him and the girl are both on their laptops The song now has ludachris rapping and singing the guy that was smoking the maijuana went away and is now back loading his pipe Summertime by Sublime is now playing perfect to go along with the marijuana smoking guy smoking his weed haha Everyone here seems to be pretty chilled out and relaxed they are pretty slow and the total count of people that are here now is 5 people three people left You sit your butt right down says the bigger guy to the guy that is talking to him and wanting to leave The marijuana guy gets up to load the big guys hookah he is scooping is out of this metal object that looks like a bird house he scoops the hookah tobacco out of this birdhouse object to put in the hookah on the customers table he blows on the object he uses to transport the tobacco and fire sparks when he does so Now there is a Dubstep song playing It is a Skrillix song The weed guy that seems to be the main guy working at this point walks by to the laptop to play the next song and after I stop him to ask what is good to eat here and he says the hummus is good so I ordered the hummus with pita bread I am very hungry and excited to eat this the cute guy walks by and asks if I like my hummus I said it s amazing ugh he s so dang cute He s wearing beige tight pants oh la law The bigger guy gets up to hug the blonde girl with black framed specs on the big guy appears to be a lot older than everyone else she is talking with the bigger guy and is making big hand and arm motions while talking very expressive and animated she is also dancing to the music as she is talking to She said something about musicology very cool the big guy is jumping and giggling and talking with everyone Thursday October 18th aproximately 9pm Get over here Marsh I need some assistance Could you say it a bit more disrespectful dog whistling at him to come come here bitch they are having troubles with the laptop music no music is playing now all three of the employees go to try and fix it they think it is on mute or the song is just a silent song Maybe they re all high lol Restart the lap top Marshal responds with I don t work here This hummus and pita bread is soooo delicious The big guy talks about his girlfriend a lot He says she is very sarcastic they have been struggling to get the music to play for like 3 minutes now abuhamca is the password to get on to the laptop that plays the music the employes shout it out to Marshal whom is trying to reboot the laptop The laptop is taking a while to load the sound is now working but the picture on the screen is still black Marshal tells the cute guy to stop ignoring his customer and cute guy gets up to go to the cash register I still can t figure out if the girl sitting next to the big guy is his girlfriend Marshal asks what is playing and the girl responds green day and I knew that as well old school green day I used to love green day back in the day only his old stuff though The cute guy and new guy and blonde are all sitting around his laptop watching something I am still not sure how old these people are could be anywhere from highschoolers to college students I m not sure The cute guy is now pulling up Sacramentos first game on youtube The big guy is now laying his head down on Marshal hmmmm I wonder big guy gets up and he needs to pull his shirt down a significant part of his back is showing the cute guy has maybe caught on to the fact that I pay the most attention to him He is now smoking the hookah pretty aggressively and inhaling …

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