Land Sea Breeze A Thermally Driven Circulation In colder air pressure drops faster with height PGF CF Air moves around circulation in a couple of hours so Coriolis deflection not too imporPGF CF tant 1 2 km Lecture 11 Local Circulations II 50 km EOM7 4 The Florida Sea Breeze During most summer days Florida s weather consists of afternoon thunderstorms over the warm land which first develop at the inland edge of the sea breeze At night thunderstorms develop over the ocean just offshore of the land breeze Sea Breeze Front Sun warmed land Rising air thunderstorms at inland edge of sea breeze Sinking air no clouds over ocean Mountain Valley Circulations EOM Day Air near slopes warms rises Pressure surfaces further apart where air warm less dense Horizontal pressure gradient pulls air toward mountain during day Night Air near slopes cools sinks Monsoons Winds reverse direction seasonally as tropical continents become warmer then colder than nearby ocean Most pronounced over SE Asia also occurs over Mexico and SW US deserts and N Australia Like a giant land sea breeze Summer Low pressure over hot land Moist air flows from ocean to land then rises making heavy rain Winter High pressure over cold land Dry air flows from out from land and rain now mainly over ocean The SE Asian Monsoon Cherrapunji 425 in of rain annually mostly in July and August
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