MAN 320F Lecture 4 Outline of Last Lecture II The Manager Omnipotent v Symbolic A Both III The Management Reality Synthesis IV The Organization s Culture A Dimensions of Culture B Dominant vs Subcultures C Culture s Functions D Sources of Culture E Cultural Maintenance F How Employees Learn Culture V Video Life at Deutsche Bank v Life at Google Outline of Current Lecture VI Organizational Behavior VII Key Variables Affecting Individual Behavior A Attitudes B Personality C Ability VIII Cognitive Dissonance IX Self Perception Theory X Myers Briggs Type Indicator A Extroversion v Introversion B Sensing v Intuitive C Thinking v Feeling D Judging v Perceiving XI The Big Five Model Current Lecture Chapter 14 Understanding Individual Behavior Learning Outline Note from Prof Loescher These questions will make up the review sheet for exams take special care with the Manager s Bookshelf Questions o Define the five important employee behaviors that managers want to explain predict and influence o Describe the three components of an attitude and three job related attitudes o Describe the impact job satisfaction has on employee behavior o Explain how individuals reconcile inconsistencies between attitudes and behavior o Contrast the MBTI and the Big Five Model of personality o Describe the impact of locus of control and self esteem traits o Explain how emotions and emotional intelligence impact behavior o Explain how an understanding of perception can help managers better understand individual behavior o Describe the key elements of attribution theory and how the fundamental attribution error and self serving bias can distort attributions o Describe three shortcuts used in judging others o Define learning and describe the Bateman competence model Organizational Behavior o Study of how human behavior affects organization performance o Goals explain predict and control human behavior o Dual Focus of OB Individual behavior Attitudes personality perception learning and motivation Group behavior Norms roles team building leadership and conflict o Measurement Job satisfaction productivity absenteeism turnover OCBs Key Employee Engagement Factors The Organization as an Iceberg Key Variables Affecting Individual Behavior Attitudes o Evaluative statements favorable or unfavorable objects people or events o Components Of An Attitude Cognitive component the beliefs opinions knowledge or information held by a person Affective component the emotional feeling part of attitude Behavioral component the intention to behave in a certain way o All OB variables affected by attitude see text for examples o Three work related attitudes o Job involvement How active involved you are in a job How important job performance is to your self worth o Organizational commitment How closely you identify with organizational goals How important staying at the organization is to you o Perceived organizational support How much you believe that the organization cares about you and values your work Cognitive Dissonance Festinger late 1950 s o Assumes attitudes drive behaviors o Dissonance created by inconsistency between attitudes between attitudes and behaviors o Dissonance is uncomfortable people will try to reduce it Self Perception Theory o Assumes behavior drives attitude o Attitudes are developed after behavior to justify action o More likely when attitudes vague ambiguous undeveloped o When attitudes more defined and established will tend to drive behavior cognitive dissonance theory Personality o The unique combination of psychological characteristics measurable traits that affect how a person reacts and interacts with others o Personality Determinants Heredity Environment Situation Myers Briggs Type Indicator http similarminds com myers briggs jung html o Most widely used personality assessment instrument in the world o MBTI Personality Types You will be asked to differentiate these on the Exam At least 2 Qs Extroverted or Introverted E or I Sensing or Intuitive S or N Thinking or Feeling T or F Perceiving or Judging P or J EXTROVERSION INTROVERSION How are you energized o EXTROVERTS Have high energy Talk more than listen Think out loud Act then think Like to be around people Prefer a public role Can be easily distracted Prefer doing lots of things at once Are outgoing enthusiastic o INTROVERTS Have quiet energy Listen more than talk Think quietly inside their heads Think then act Feel comfortable being alone Prefer to work behind the scenes Have good powers of concentration Prefer to focus on one thing at a time Are self contained and reserved SENSING INTUITIVE What information do you pay attention to o SENSING Focus on details specifics Admire practical solutions Notice details remember facts Are pragmatic see what is Live in the here and now Trust actual experience Like to use established skills Like step by step instructions Work at a steady place o INTUITIVE Focus on big picture possibilities Admire creative ideas Notice anything new different Are inventive see what could be Think about future implications Trust their gut instincts Prefer to learn new skills Like to figure things out for themselves Work in bursts of energy THINKING FEELING How do you come to conclusions o THINKING Make decisions objectively Appear cool reserved Are most convinced by rational arguments Are honest direct Value honesty fairness Take few things personally Tend to see flaws Are motivated by achievement Argue or debate issues for fun o FEELING Decide based on values feelings Appear warm friendly Are most convinced by how they feel Are diplomatic tactful Value harmony compassion Take things personally Are quick to compliment others Are motivated by appreciation Avoid arguments conflict JUDGING PERCEIVING Preferred lifestyle environment o JUDGING Make most decisions easily Are serious conventional Pay attention to time are prompt Prefer to finish projects Work first play later Want things decided See need for most rules Like to make stick with plans Find comfort in schedules o PERCEIVING Difficulty making decisions Are playful unconventional Less aware of time run late Prefer to start projects Play first work later Question need for rules Like to keep plans flexible options open Want freedom to be spontaneous The Big Five Model o Extraversion Sociable talkative and assertive o Agreeableness Good natured cooperative and trusting o Conscientiousness Responsible dependable persistent and achievement oriented o Emotional Stability Calm
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