KU ABSC 304 - Chapter 2 Study Questions

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Chapter 2 Areas of Application An Overview Study Questions 1 List five areas in which behavior modification is being applied Education Social work Nursing Clinical psychology Psychiatry 2 List four behaviors of children that have been improved by the application of behavior modification by parents Teach their children how to walk Develop their children s initial language skills Toilet train their children Influence their children to do household chores 3 List four behaviors in education that have been modified with behavior modification Out of seat behavior Tantrums Aggressive behavior Excessive socializing 4 What is PSI and who was its founder State eight characteristics of PSI PSI is the Personalized System of Instruction Keller plan founded by Fred S Keller Identifies the target behavior or learning requirements for a course in the form of study questions such as the questions in each chapter in this book Requires students to study only a small amount of material before demonstrating mastery such as the amount of material in one or two chapters that might be studied in a week or two Has frequent tests at least once every week or two in which students demonstrate their knowledge of the answers to the study questions Has mastery criteria so that students must demonstrate mastery at a particular level before going to the next level Is nonpunitive in that students are not penalized for failing to demonstrate mastery on a test but simply restudy and try again Uses a number of student assistants called proctors to score tests immediately and provide feedback to students concerning test performance Incorporates a go at your own pace feature in which students are allowed to proceed through the course material at rates that suit their own particular abilities and time demands Uses lectures primarily for motivation and demonstration rather than as a major means of presenting new material 5 Briefly describe how PSI has used computer technology State two benefits of this use of computer technology CAPSI s use of students who have mastered a given unit of study material to serve as peer reviewers for that study unit Studies of CAPSI courses have demonstrated measurable feedback accuracy by peer reviewers and compliance with feedback by students 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 In addition students in a CAPSI course receive much more substantive feedback than would be possible in a course taught using traditional methods A recent study shows that it enhances both learning and critical thinking What is currently the preferred term for the disability historically referred to as mental retardation Intellectual disability Name and briefly describe the three forces that have revolutionized the education of persons with intellectual disabilities since the 1960s One force comprised individuals called normalization advocates who argued that persons with intellectual disabilities should be helped to lead the most normative lives possible and that traditional large institutions were simply not normative The second force comprised civil rights advocates and parents of persons with intellectual disabilities who secured the legal right of individuals with severe disabilities to receive as normal an education as possible The third force came primarily through the efforts of behavior modifiers who created the technology that made it possible to dramatically improve the behavior of persons with severe and profound intellectual disabilities List four behaviors in persons with intellectual disabilities that have been modified by behavior modification Toileting Self help skills Social skills Communication skills List four behaviors in children with autism that have been modified by behavior modification Social behavior Communication Abnormal play behaviors Repetitive self stimulatory behaviors List four behaviors in people with schizophrenia that have been modified by behavior modification Hearing voices People reading their minds People controlling their thoughts People plotting to harm them Briefly how effective is behavior therapy with psychological problems Many studies have demonstrated that there are definite problem areas e g phobias obsessive compulsive disorders depression for which specific behavior procedures are demonstrably superior to other forms of psychotherapy List four behaviors in the area of self management of personal problems that have been modified by behavior modification Saving money Increasing exercise behavior Improving study habits Controlling gambling What is health psychology Health psychology considers how psychological factors can influence or cause illness and how people can be encouraged to practice healthy behavior to prevent health problems 14 Describe five areas of application within health psychology Direct Treatment of Medical Problems Do you suffer from migraine headaches backaches or stomach problems At one time it was thought that such problems were of purely a medical nature But sometimes such problems have a learning component Health psychologists are continuing the late 1960s trend of developing behavioral techniques to treat symptoms such as these directly One such technique is called biofeedback which consists of providing immediate information to an individual about that person s physiological processes such as heart rate blood pressure muscle tension and brain waves Such information helps the individual to gain control over the physiological process that is monitored Biofeedback has been successfully used to treat a variety of health problems including high blood pressure seizures chronic headaches irregular heart beat or arrhythmia accelerated heart rate or tachycardia and anxiety Behavioral treatments are also being applied to ameliorate symptoms of other medical problems such as Parkinson s disease and brain injury Establishing Treatment Compliance Do you always keep your appointments with the dentist Do you always take medication exactly as prescribed by your doctor Many people do not Because it is behavior compliance with medical regimens is a natural for behavior modification Thus an important part of health psychology is promoting treatment compliance Promotion of Healthy Living Do you exercise at least three times per week Do you eat healthy foods and minimize your consumption of saturated fat cholesterol and salt Do you limit your consumption of alcohol Do you say no to nicotine and other addictive drugs If you can answer yes to these questions and if you can

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