UMKC BIOLOGY 109 - test 1

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Question 1 All of following statements concerning the bacterial cell wall are true with the exception of Select one A is the source of endotoxins in gram positive bacteria B gives shape and rigidity to the cell C prevents the cell from bursting in a hypotonic environment D is the site of action for some antibiotics E cannot prevent a cell from undergoing plasmolysis when placed in a hypertonic environment Question 2 When a non pathogenic strain of S pneumoniae is mixed with a heat killed pathogenic strain the former is converted to the pathogenic form The process responsible for this conversion is termed Select one A conjugation B sexual reproduction C transformation D translocation E none of the above Question 3 Answer 1 An organism that obtains energy from sunlight An organism that obtains energy from inorganic chemicals such as NH3 An organism that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms Question 4 photoheterotroph Answer 2 chemoautotroph Answer 3 chemoheterotroph Which of the following cellular components would be found in bacteria but is generally lacking in protists including all protozoans Cell wall Chromosome RNA ribosome plasma membrane Question 5 When sunlight is unavailable these protists can switch from an autotrophic nutritional mode to a heterotrophic one mixotrophs hemiautotrophs switchotrophs heteroautotrophs autoheterotrophs Question 6 A is a reproductive structure of fungi that develops from a mycelium Fruiting body mycorrhiza saprobe lichen haustoria Question 7 Which of the following phyla produce uniflagellated zoospores Select one A Ascomycota B Basidomycota C Chytridomycota D Glomeromycota E Zygomycota Question 8 Which of the following is are unique to animals Select one A cells that have mitochondria B the structural carbohydrate chitin C heterotrophy D nervous conduction and muscular movement E both A and C Question 9 Radial symmetry is generally associated with Select one A the presence of a coelom B a sessile existence C the presence or absence of true tissues D a lifestyle involving active movement from place to place E protostome development Question 10 Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is incorrect Select one A Cnidaria bilateral symmetry triploblastic B Nematoda roundworms pseudocoelomate C Platyhelminthes flat worms gastrovascular cavity acoelomate D Echinodermata bilateral symmetry as a larva coelom present E Porifera no true tissues Question 11 Corals are most closely related to which group Select one A comb jellies B sponges C bivalves D barnacles E sea anomones Question 12 Which of the following phyla have a complete digestive system alimentary canal with mouth and anus Select one A nematoda round worms B Platyhelminthes flatworms C Ctenophora comb jellies D Cnidaria anemones hydroids corals jellyfish etc E All of the above have blind sac body plans Question 13 Which of the following is not an advantage of the arthropod exoskeleton Select one A provides protection from predators B provides rigid places for muscles to insert and against which they can do work C enhances sensory perception D prevents water loss E all of the above are an advantage of an exoskeleton Question 14 Which of the following is not a distinguishing characteristic of all chordates Select one A a notochord B pharyngeal slits C a post anal tail D a dorsal hollow nerve cord E a cranium Question 15 What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans Select one lack of jaws unpaired fins an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors an amniotic egg a cartilaginous endoskeleton Question 16 Which of the following is not a true statement concerning the order Primata Select one A first were small arboreal mammals B traits were shaped by demands of living in trees C consists of three main groupings one of which is the Anthropoidea D descended from insectivores late in Cretaceous E all of the above are true statements Question 17 Which of the following structures might provide a bacterium with some degree of directprotection from a host s immune system 1 Gram positive cell wall 2 Gram negative cell wall 3 capsule 4 plasmid 5 endospore Select one A 2 and 3 B 4 and 5 C 3 4 and 5 D 1 2 and 4 E 1 3 and 5 Question 18 Differences between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells include all of the following except Select one A prokaryotic cells lack ribosomes B prokaryotic cells in general have more complex cell walls C prokaryotic cells lack compartmentalization by internal membranes D eukaryotic cells have linear chromosomes E eukaryotic cells have larger more complex genomes Question 19 Near deep sea hydrothermal vents where there is no access to sunlight one may encounter complex communities of organisms flourishing there that are fueled by inorganic chemicals dissolved in the vent fluids Such communities are most likely dependent on as their primary producers note In a terrestrial environment plants are the predominant primary producers Select one A photoautotrophs B photoheterotrophs C chemoautotrophs D extreme halophiles E chemoheterotrophs Question 20 The fact that prokaryotic ribosomes differ from eukaryotic ribosomes explains why Select one A Prokaryotes are able to use a much greater variety of molecules as sources of food B Some antibiotics can block the insertion of peptidoglycan into the cell walls of bacteria C Some antibiotics can block protein synthesis of bacteria without affecting protein synthesis in the eukaryotic host D DNA synthesis occurs at a decreased rate in prokaryotes E Eukaryotes did not evolve from prokaryotes Question 21 Which of the following statements concerning protists is false Select one A Protists along with plants animals and fungi are eukaryotes B Most protists are unicellular C At the cellular level protists are highly complex D Like prokaryotes protists lack a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles E All of the above are true statements Question 22 Which of the following is an example of symbiotic mutualism Select one A two paramecia exchanging genetic material B the diplomonad Giardia reproducing in a human intestine C the parabasalid T vaginalis feeding on the vaginal lining of its human host D a zooflagellate digesting food in a termite s intestine E none of the above Question 23 This human disease does not involve kinetoplastids Select one A Chagas Disease B African Sleeping Sickness C Leishmaniasis D Malaria E All of the above diseases involve kinetoplastids Question

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UMKC BIOLOGY 109 - test 1

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