UMKC BIOLOGY 109 - Copy of Umkc_sem1_bio_Practice Exam I Key

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Name Seat Assignment R R s 101 119 Biology 109 Exam IA Fall 2012 09 14 2012 even s 2 20 odd s 1 13 blackboard 1 Sit in the seat assigned above You will receive a 0 for the exam if you do not 2 Fill in your name on the bubble sheet immediately Fill in the ID on the bubble sheet with any random nine digit number If the ID box is not filled in your exam will not be graded 3 All personal items including book bags and electronics calculators and cell phones are to be placed up front Be sure your phone is turned off Remove billed caps or turn them around 4 This exam has 52 questions 2 bonus questions all worth 2 points Question 53 should also be filled in to indicate the version of the test that you have 5 For all questions select the best answer from the options provided You are responsible for correctly transferring your selection onto the bubble sheet 6 Be sure to write your name on this page in the space provided above 7 Do not start the exam until instructed Biology 109 Exam I F2012 Multiple Choice Choose the best answer 1 A B C D E A unicellular fungus that under anaerobic conditions ferments sugars to alcohol and CO 2 lichen yeast mold chytrid zygosporangium 2 A B C D E The absorptive nutrition of fungi is aided by formation of a dikaryon the large surface area provided by the mycelium the fact that they are all parasites spore formation chloroplasts 3 One piece of evidence which is consistent with the hypothesis that Chytrids diverged earliest in fugal evolution is the presence of in this phylum A asci B hyphae C flagellated zoospores D zygosporangia E mycorrhizae 4 The symbiotic relationship as best exemplified by the association of photosynthetic bacteria and fugal hyphae to form a lichen A mutualism B parasitism C commensalism D communism E none of the above 5 Members of this phylum form resistant structures during sexual reproduction and have an asexual phase characterized by bulbous black sporangia A Basidomycota B Ascomycota C Deuteromycota D Zygomycota E Chytridomycota 6 A B C D E The stage in the sexual life cycle of fungi that involves the fusion of haploid nuclei karyogamy plasmogamy haustoria meiosis basidium 2 Biology 109 Exam I F2012 7 A B C D E Which of the following associations is not an example of symbiosis mycorrhizae a lichen a saprobe that absorbs nutrients from non living organic material nitrogen fixing bacteria in the root nodules of plants a tapeworm living in the intestine of a mammal 8 How are the vascular plants that are involved in mycorrhizae and the photosynthetic cells that are involved in lichens alike A They provide organic nutrients to fungal partners B They secrete acids that keep the fungal partner from growing to quickly C They are in intimate association with chytrids D They are digested by fungal enzymes while still alive E They produce zygosporangia 9 If a bacterium regenerates from an endospore that did not possess any of the plasmids that were contained in its original parent cell the regenerated bacterium will probably A lack antibiotic resistant genes B lack a cell wall C lack a chromosome D be unable to survive in its normal environment E be unable to synthesize proteins 10 Which of the following statements about bacterial cell walls is true A they are identical in molecular composition to the cell walls of fungi B they all have a lipopolysaccharide layer C they prevent cells from bursting in a hypotonic environment D they prevent cells from dying in a hypertonic environment E All of the above are true statements 11 In addition to peptidoglycan the cell walls of Gram negative bacteria also contain A chitin B cellulose C lipopolysaccharides D keratin E mucous 12 Many physicians administer antibiotics to patients at the first sign of any disease symptoms Why can this practice present more problems for these patients and for others not yet infected A Particular patients may be allergic to the antibiotic B Antibiotics may cause other side effects in patients C Antibiotics may interfere with the ability to identify the bacteria present D Overuse of antibiotics can select for antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria E The antibiotic may kill bacteriophages that keep the bacteria in check 3 Biology 109 Exam I F2012 13 Which of the following is an important source of endotoxin in Gram negative species A endospore B plasmid C flagellum D cell wall E fimbriae Matching 1 Select the word from the following list that best completes statements 14 17 Each choice may be used only once a extreme thermophile b chemoheterotroph c methanogens 14 15 16 17 d obligate anaerobe e photoautotroph poisoned by O2 uses CO2 to oxidize H2 releasing CH4 as a waste product uses light energy to drive the synthesis of organic compounds from CO 2 thrive in very hot environments Multiple Choice Choose the best answer 18 Which of these taxa contains species that produce potent toxins that can cause extensive fish kills contaminate shellfish and poison humans A red algae B dinoflagellates C diplomonads D euglenids E golden algae 19 An individual mixotroph loses its plastids i e chloroplasts yet continues to survive Which of the following most likely accounts for its continued survival A It relies on photosystems that float freely in its cytosol B It must have gained extra mitochondria when it lost its plastids C It engulfs organic material by phagocytosis or by absorption D It has an endospore E It is protected by a cell wall 20 A B C D E Which of these statements about dinoflagellates is false They possess two flagella Some cause red tides Their walls are composed of cellulose plates Many types contain chlorophyll Their dead cells accumulate on the seafloor and are mined to serve as a filtering material 4 Biology 109 Exam I F2012 21 A B C D E Which of the following statements concerning protists is true Protists along with plants animals and fungi are eukaryotes Most protists are unicellular At the cellular level protists are highly complex Like prokaryotes protists lack a nucleus and other membrane bound organelles All of the above are true statements 22 A B C D E Which of the following human diseases does not involve kinetoplastids Chagas Disease African Sleeping Sickness Leishmaniasis Malaria All of the above diseases involve kinetoplastids 23 A B C D E Which of the following statements concerning Malaria or the Malaria parasite is false The parasite that causes malaria is an apicoplexan The definitive malarial host is the tsetse fly Malaria involves both human

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UMKC BIOLOGY 109 - Copy of Umkc_sem1_bio_Practice Exam I Key

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