UMKC BIOLOGY 109 - Bio109 Unit 1 test Ba (1)

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You are logged in as Hajar Banyalmarjeh Log out General Biology II Home FS2016 UMKC BIOLOGY109 0001 43470 FS2016 Unit 1 Biological Diversity Started on Quiz navigation State Completed on Time taken Hajar Banyalmarjeh i 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i 5 16 Unit Test 1 Monday September 12 2016 7 58 AM Finished Monday September 12 2016 8 20 AM 21 mins 38 secs Points 35 50 53 00 Grade 142 00 out of 212 00 67 Information Basic Knowledge Test 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 The following 30 questions primarily address knowledge and comprehension This section of the exam is worth 30 of your score You should attempt to complete it within 30 minutes 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 For all questions select or provide the best answer 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 Show one page at a time Finish review Question 1 Which of the following is an important source of endotoxin in Gram negative species Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A endospore B flagellum C cell wall correct D plasmid E fimbriae The correct answer is cell wall Question 2 Incorrect The mechanism whereby genes are transferred by viruses phages from one bacterium to another 0 00 points out of 1 00 Select one binary fission incorrect intuition conjugation transformation transduction The correct answer is transduction Question 3 Correct photoheterotroph An organism that obtains energy from sunlight 1 00 points out of 1 00 An organism that obtains energy from inorganic chemicals such as NH3 chemoautotroph An organism that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms chemoheterotroph The correct answer is An organism that obtains energy from sunlight photoheterotroph An organism that obtains energy from inorganic chemicals such as NH3 chemoautotroph An organism that obtains both energy and carbon as it decomposes dead organisms chemoheterotroph Question 4 Which of the following descriptions of protists is incorrect protists are prokaryotic Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Question 5 When sunlight is unavailable these protists can switch from an autotrophic nutritional Correct mode to a heterotrophic one mixotrophs 1 00 points out of 1 00 Question 6 In the sexual life cycle of fungi the term plasmogamy refers to Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A the separation of haploid and dikaryotic stages B the fusion of haploid nuclei C the fusion of diploid nuclei D the fusion of two parent s cytoplasm correct E none of the above The correct answer is the fusion of two parent s cytoplasm Question 7 These fungi produce ascospores in an ascus Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A sac fungi correct B black bread molds C slime molds D club fungi E dimorphic fungi The correct answer is sac fungi Question 8 Which of the following is are unique to animals Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one a cells that have mitochondria b both A and C c nervous conduction and muscular movement d heterotrophy e the structural carbohydrate chitin The correct answer is nervous conduction and muscular movement Question 9 Radial symmetry is generally associated with Incorrect 0 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A the presence or absence of true tissues incorrect B a lifestyle involving active movement from place to place C the presence of a coelom D protostome development E a sessile existence The correct answer is a sessile existence Question 10 Which of the following combinations of phylum and description is incorrect Incorrect 0 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A Echinodermata bilateral symmetry as a larva coelom present B Platyhelminthes flat worms gastrovascular cavity acoelomate C Cnidaria bilateral symmetry triploblastic D Porifera no true tissues correct E Nematoda roundworms pseudocoelomate The correct answer is Cnidaria bilateral symmetry triploblastic Question 11 All of the following can be observed in the phylum Cnidaria except Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A a pseudocoelom correct B a polyp stage C a medusa stage D a gastrovascular cavity E cnidocytes The correct answer is a pseudocoelom Question 12 Correct Which of the following phyla have a complete digestive system alimentary canal with mouth and anus 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A nematoda round worms correct B Platyhelminthes flatworms C Ctenophora comb jellies D Cnidaria anemones hydroids corals jellyfish etc E All of the above have blind sac body plans The correct answer is nematoda round worms Question 13 Which of the following is not an advantage of the arthropod exoskeleton Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A provides protection from predators B provides rigid places for muscles to insert and against which they can do work C enhances sensory perception correct D prevents water loss E all of the above are an advantage of an exoskeleton The correct answer is enhances sensory perception Question 14 What is one characteristic that separates chordates from all other animals Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A true coelom B bilateral symmetry C dorsal hollow nerve chord correct D segmentation E blastopore which becomes the anus The correct answer is dorsal hollow nerve chord Question 15 What is a distinctive feature of the chondrichthyans Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one unpaired fins a cartilaginous endoskeleton correct an amniotic egg an acute sense of vision that includes the ability to distinguish colors lack of jaws The correct answer is a cartilaginous endoskeleton Information Critical Thinking Test The following 30 questions primarily address comprehension application analysis and evaluation It is worth 70 of your score you should try to complete this section within 40 minutes For all questions select or provide the best answer Question 16 Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Jams jellies preserves honey and other foodstuffs with high sugar content hardly ever become contaminated by bacteria This is because bacteria that encounter such an environment Select one A are unable to metabolize the glucose or fructose and thus starve to death B are obligate anaerobes C are unable to swim through these thick and viscous materials D undergo death by lysis E undergo death by plasmolysis correct The correct answer is undergo death by plasmolysis Question 17 Which of the following statements about the bacterial cell wall is true Correct 1 00 points out of 1 00 Select one A they are identical in molecular composition to the cell walls of fungi B they all have a lipopolysaccharide layer C they prevent cells

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UMKC BIOLOGY 109 - Bio109 Unit 1 test Ba (1)

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