MA416 Assignment 4 Multiple Linear Regr ession using SAS Due Thur sday October 6 2016 in Class PLEASE REMEMBER TO PUT YOUR NAME AND DISCUSSION SECTION DAY ON YOUR HOMEWORK Please answer questions in the order that they are asked cutting and pasting the relevant SAS program statements and output into your response The following is the data to be used for this assignment 4264 4496 4317 4292 4945 4325 4110 4111 4161 4560 4401 4251 4222 4063 4343 4833 4453 4195 4394 4099 4816 4867 4114 305657 328476 317164 366745 265518 301995 269334 267631 296350 277223 269189 277133 282892 306639 328405 321773 272319 293880 300867 296872 245674 211944 227996 7 17 6 20 4 61 7 02 8 61 6 88 7 23 6 27 6 49 6 37 7 05 6 34 6 94 8 56 6 71 5 82 6 82 8 38 7 72 7 67 7 72 6 45 7 22 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 These data are described in Problem 6 9 of Chapter 6 from the text so please read Problem 6 9 to understand the data The first column is the Y variable and the last 3 columns are X1 X2 and X3 respectively PLEASE NOTE The above data are a subset of the official data set for Problem 6 9 However for this assignment you only need to work with the data set as I have it above and not with the entire official data set Please take the above data set and either re enter it carefully into your SAS program editor window or cut and paste it into your SAS program editor window Add the appropriate SAS data step statements to read in this data Then carry out using SAS for ALL problems below unless otherwise specified the following analyses a Obtain the correlation r among the 4 variables You can do this with the following SAS commands replace x1 x2 x3 x4 y below with your true variable names proc corr var x1 x2 x3 x4 y run From the resulting correlation matrix informally judge i which of the X variables appear correlated with Y ii do the X values seem somewhat correlated among each other b Problem 6 10a c Problem 6 11a d Problem 6 11c e Obtain the predicted Y value for a weekly shipment with X1 302 000 X2 7 20 and X3 0 f Problem 7 4a g Problem 7 4b by F the text just means the F we calculated in class h Problem 7 25a i Problem 7 25b j Problem 7 25c k Problem 7 25d refer to the correlation matrix from part a above instead of the correlation matrix from Problem 6 9c
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