MA416 Assignment 1 Simple Linear Regression Due Tuesday Sept 13 in Class NOTE FOR THIS AND ALL ASSIGNMENTS IN THE FUTURE PLEASE HAND IN YOUR HOMEWORK ON 8 5 X 11 PAPER PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR NAME AND THE DAY OF YOUR DISCUSSION i e Wed or Thu IS ON YOUR ASSIGNMENT IF MULTIPLE PAGES PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS ON EACH PAGE AND PLEASE STAPLE Otherwise the assignment may not be accepted Thanks The following are Age and Systolic Blood Pressure SBP data taken from 4 participants of the Framingham Heart Study Assume the underlying relationship between Age and SBP is linear or i e Yi 0 1Xi i where i subject number or i e i 1 2 3 4 and all other linear regression assumptions hold and where SBP is the dependent variable Subject ID 1 2 3 4 Age X 45 41 49 52 SBP Y 135 122 130 148 a Draw a scatterplot of Y vs X Write one sentence explaining if you think there truly is a linear relationship between Y and X based on the scatterplot b Find b0 and b1 the least squares estimates of 0 and 1 Please do this manually with the use of a calculator for simple calculations showing the required work
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