UIUC SOC 100 - Critical thinking Questions

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Critical thinking Questions Kiley Breen 1 What were the circumstances of Clairvius Narcisse s disappearance for 18 years and what makes this case of Zombification unique a Narcisse was buried alive and then sent off to work as a slave by a voodoo priest His case was unique because his death was documented An American even signed his birth certificate pronouncing him dead 2 Describe and explain the cohesion of Haitian society a David said that there was a lot of cohesion in Haitian society There was not a lot of crime drug abuse and social disorder that is seen in other Caribbean islands They are very in touch with their African roots 3 Describe voodoo and its place in Haitian society a A lot of Haitians practice voodoo It is a part of their religion and it is involved in their laws education and medicine It is more in control of everyday life than the government 4 How is the poison used and what are its effects on the victim Why does it come with no guarantee a The poison is rubbed on the victim skin and it renders the victim unable to speak of move It comes with no guarantee because the ingredients varied in the mixtures and too much of it can kill the victim or make them suffocate 5 What is the one ingredient which turns up in all of the formulas and where does it come from How and why is this poison used in Japan What effects have been observed there a Tetrodotoxin is the ingredient that was found in all of the formulas and it comes from a certain kind of puffer fish This fish called fugu is a delicacy in Japan and people eat if for its psychedelic effects 6 What is the cultural answer to the zombie mystery Describe the secret societies and their importance in maintaining order a The voodoo secret societies use Zombification as a means of social order and justice They are a band of people both men and women who revolted against the French They meet at night and hold celebrations and rituals They sanction zombification to maintain order 7 Why is zombification seen as a punishment more severe than death a Zombification is seen more severe than death because it strips a person of their free will and independence which is the most valuable thing to a person 8 How do the priests continue their control over the individual after the effects of tetrodotoxin has worn off according to David a David thinks that the zombies are fed Datura to accentuate their disorientation after the tetrodotoxin has worn off 9 Is it important that there be a lot of zombies in Haiti for social control to be achieved a No it is not important that there be a lot David compared it to the death sentence in America The death penalty does not have many people ordered to it just the possibility alone helps social control to be achieved

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UIUC SOC 100 - Critical thinking Questions

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