FSU MMC 2000 - Final Exam Study Guide

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Final Exam Study Guide Chapter 1 Describe a hierarchy The crazing for the adventure which produces stress that causes a person to leave the employ of someone else in order to succeed in his her own business Humans are goaded by the spirit of hierarchy Moved by a sense of order Describe eustress What does eu mean The desirable stress eu Denotes good Describe distress Too much stress experienced negatively Describe a situation in which you have been near Zero stress Having zero stress is not an option for humans Name a corporal stress Stress in the body Relief Valve laughter which only humans have and tears Name a community stress Stress felt when one must deal with other people RV tyrant democracy anarchy Name a cash stress Tension that is produced by a desire for spending more money than is actually available RV non rich increase income decrease expenses money management Name a chrono stress Stress one feels where there seems to be insufficient time to accomplish one s tasks RV time management Name a competence stress Stress one feels when they did not feel competent to do something RV avoid activities where you feel incompetent preparation practice Name a confusion stress Stress felt from waiting until the last minute to do something and are unable to focus on the task properly because you are rushed or stressed from time constraints First compounded by chrono stress but leads to confusion stress RV organization Name a conscientious stress Stress humans face due to morality RV refusal to obey any Thou shalt not s absolutist legalistic approach thoroughgoing reliance on forgiveness What are Burke s types of identification Persuasion that can be achieved by the speaker and audience sharing common interest Formal Appeal Antithesis Assumed we used by politicians in their speeches Chapter 2 Compare and contrast humans and animals with regard to stress Animals only experience corporal stress while humans experience the six additional stressors Translated Corporal Stress virtually all stress starting as the other 6 eventually translates into corporal stress effect the body What are ways of avoiding corporal stress Taking protective measures using common sense safety cleanliness health insurance Describe a corporal stress of the cardiovascular system Low blood pressure hypertension high cholestoral Composite RV medication surgery exercise diet Symbolic RV music human support reassurance Physical RV sleep relaxation Describe a corporal stress of the respiratory system Asthmas bronchitis pneumonia emphysema Composite RV flu shots meds no smoking Symbolic RV soothing music talking Physical RV natural body defenses Describe a corporal stress of the nervous system Pinched nerve herniated disc tumor RV avoid risky activity Describe a corporal stress of the reproductive system Disease periods sex Describe a corporal stress of the musculoskeletal system Any bones in the body carpal tunnel in the hands RV muscle exercises breaks Describe a corporal stress of the integumentary system skin hair etc Sunburn cuts rashes skin allergies Describe a corporal stress of the endocrine system System that produces hormones estrogen progesterone Drops in levels of hormones can cause depression Name a corporal stress caused by alcohol or other drug consumption Most effective RV for corporal stress is avoidance of these violence increased emotions anger sadness Describe a corporal stress of the eyes or ear Pink eye ear infection retinitis vertigo sties ear ringing headache Describe the relief valve of laughter and Tears to reduce stress Not available to animals Minor and temporary Tears can relief all types of stress Both are a let go and release of emotion Chapter 3 What is community eustress 2 types Culture Psychology The stress one feels due to conflict with other humans Hermits avoid this stress by staying away from other humans Our stress results from the fact that no 2 humans can agree on every issue Examples Conflict between Husband Wife employer employee salesperson customer religions business partners schoolmates colleagues family Describe political community stress What is a relief valve Having friends or family with different political views and conversations where conflict or community stress can arise Democrat and Republican RV changing the subject Describe athletic community stress What is a relief valve Being fans of different sports teams then those that you are around friends with RV controlling the stress situation avoiding it completely What is the difference between psychological and cultural stress Pyschological Behaviors values and characteristics of an individual Not felt when communicating with oneself interpersonal communication In Psychology stress any difference in matter of taste on the part of given individuals may provoke stress Cultural Behaviors values and characteristics of a distinct group of people people from other cultures The most easily recognized of community stress Can reduce community stress when demonstrating appreciation for other cultures Describe tyranny relief valve Relief Valve for community stress Having a tyrant make all decisions Describe democracy relief valve 1 Often characterized by VOTE also causes additional stresses though 2 VETO Works when voting does not Neither choices when if all parties do not agree Describe anarchy relief valve Nobody rules When an individual has the freedom to decide for themselves When there is no reason for everyone in a group to do the same thing do it alone do it all Describe an implicit practice Culture is understood implicitly Behaviors taught by a culture such as how to shake someone s hand proper hugs or kisses in a culture Describe being ethnocentric in regards to culture The ethno element means culture or ethnic group centric element indicates someone believes their culture is the center of the universe Believing everyone should do things the way your culture does Describe being agnostic Neither a believer in God nor an atheist claiming not to know being neutral not doubting nor believing What does Burke mean by the motto Ad bellum purificandum Toward the purification of war Burke sought in language ways to purge the constantly recurring human impulses toward war extreme community stress Comes from the values category of cultural stress the most difficult to relieve Explain dialectic Third linguistic way to purge stress Involves debating both sides of an issue The goal is not to eliminate stress but control it Debate

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