UConn CAMS 1101 - In Iliad book 1

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Candace Dickey CAMS 1101 Section 007D September 6 2017 Homer Discussion Questions 1 In Iliad book 1 Achilles position in the quarrel between he and Agamemnon over the girl not only affects himself but it also affects Agamemnon and the common welfare of the other Greeks Achilles view of responsibility for himself is he that he is fighting a war not for himself but for Agamemnon s pleasure He admits he has no problem with the Trojans but he continues to excel in fight to protect and honor the Greeks This angers him because Agamemnon doesn t acknowledge his efforts Achilles position affects Agamemnon because it sends him into a fury He warns Achilles that he will take his prize if he returns the girl saying I m coming to your hut and taking Briseis 195 Your own beautiful prize so that you will see just how much stronger I am then you The Essential Homer p 6 He wants to prove his power forgetting that he will lose an important pawn in the war As the men argue Achilles threatens to drop out of the battle If Achilles drops out of the battle this will have a negative impact on the common welfare Greeks because he is a good man in fight The Essential Homer p 5 They could eventually lose the war if Achilles and his men withdraw 2 Agamemnon s position here about the situation as it affects himself is that he should not have to give the girl back because he holds all power and authority He believes he should have something to show for since he is king so he decides if he give the girl back he will take Briseis from Achilles Agamemnon s view of his responsibility of the Greeks is that he will give the girl back so the plague can end and his army will stop losing soldiers When Agamemnon threatened to take Achilles prize Achilles became enraged He began to Draw the sharp sword that hung by his thigh The Essential Homer p 7 contemplating whether or not he should kill Agamemnon 3 Nestor s view of Achilles and Agamemnon quarrel over the girl is that they should not be fighting Nestor is wise enough to see that their arguing serves no purpose He says the Trojans would be happy to Achilles and Agamemnon in battle because they are the two best men in council and in battle The Essential Homer p 9 Additionally he says they should not battle because although Achilles is stronger Agamemnon holds more power because he had more authority Achilles is also an important pawn in the war against the Trojans Achilles seems to be the root of the quarrel His curiosity sparked Agamemnon s rage which then caused a rage of his own He also challenged his authority as ruler

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UConn CAMS 1101 - In Iliad book 1

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