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BIO 201 Chapter 4 Study Guide Dr Sonja Pyott General features of cells Note You do NOT need to know the structures of a prokaryotic cell page 68 and 69 Figure 4 4 the Genomes and Proteomes Connection page 71 and 72 the details of movements due to the action of cilia and flagella Figures 4 12 and 4 13 Protein sorting to organelles Section 4 6 Terms to know Microscopes light and electron Magnification Resolution Contrast Cell theory Ribosomes Cytosol Plasma membrane Prokaryote Eukaryote Organelle Compartmentalization Nucleus Endomembrane system Nucleus Semiautonomous organelles Cytoskeleton Chromosomes Chromatin Nuclear matrix Nuclear envelope Phospholipid bilayer Endoplasmic reticulum Nuclear pores Nuclear lamina Nuclear lamins Nucleolus Rough endoplasmic reticulum Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Endoplasmic reticulum lumen or cisterna Golgi apparatus Golgi bodies Cis and trans face of the Golgi apparatus Golgi apparatus lumen or cistern Transport vesicles Secretory pathway Palade s experiments Pulse chase experiments Glycosylation Glycoproteins Glycolipids Lysosomes Peroxisomes Vacuoles Endosymbiosis theory Mitochondria Chloroplasts Cellular respiration Inner membrane Outer membrane Intermembrane space Cristae Photosynthesis Thylakoid membrane Grana Thylakoid lumen Stroma Plastids Cytoskeleton Microfilaments Actin Intermediate filaments Microtubules Tubulin Motor proteins Myosin Kinesin Dynein Important figures 4 1 4 5 4 7 4 8 4 10 4 11 4 14 4 15 4 17 4 18 4 19 4 21 4 23 2 24 4 25 4 27 4 32 Important tables 4 1 Learning goals At the conclusion of this unit you should be able to Describe the limitations on cell size that explain why most cells are small Define the terms magnification resolution and contrast as they relate to microscopy Page 1 of 2 BIO 201 Chapter 4 Study Guide Dr Sonja Pyott Compare and contrast light and electron microscopy Summarize the three principles of the cell theory Distinguish the two fundamental classes of cells prokaryotic and eukaryotic in terms of structural components Define the role of the endomembrane system List the specific structures of the endomembrane system Illustrate the structure of the nucleus Compare and contrast the structure and function of the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum Describe the structure and function of the ribosomes Compare and contrast the functions of free ribosomes with those associated with the rough endoplasmic reticulum Diagram the pathway of macromolecules through the Golgi apparatus including the specific structures of the Golgi apparatus and the types of processes occurring to those molecules Describe the secretory pathway Describe Palade s pulse chase experiments and how the results provided experimental evidence in support of the secretory pathway hypothesis List the functions of lysosomes peroxisomes and vacuoles Provide examples of properties of the semiautonomous organelles mitochondria and chloroplasts that support their origin by endosymbiosis Illustrate the structures of mitochondria and chloroplasts Compare and contrast the similarities and differences in the structures of mitochondria and chloroplasts List three roles of the cytoskeleton Classify the three cytoskeletal components based on their 1 structure 2 size 3 protein subunits and 4 primary roles Describe the motor proteins associated with particular cytoskeletal components List important functions of the cytosol Illustrate the general structure of a eukaryotic cell Compare and contrast the general structures of eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells Page 2 of 2

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UNCW BIO 201 - Chapter 4 Study Guide (General Features of Cells)

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