Dexter Green: An Analysis

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Amanda Labrado English 6 CP Jen Fraser 01 25 10 Revised 2 2 10 Dexter Green An Analysis Dexter Green the main character of F Scott Fitzgerald s Winter Dreams is the dynamic protagonist of the story Dexter is logical prideful and a fantastical dreamer who is constantly caught up in his latest aspiration and subsequently mislead by the antagonist Miss Judy Jones Miss Jones is the distraction by which Dexter eventually directs runs 1the course of his life Fitzgerald develops Dexter s character through the use of statements actions and reactions When Judy asks about the status of Dexter s wealth 2 he replies frankly I m probably making more money than any man my age in the Northwest I know that s an obnoxious remark but you told me to start right 3 This statement shows that Dexter is polite and also has pride in himself for his accomplishments 4 it also shows the power of Judy s appeal or influence over him She has such an impact that he compares himself to all men his age in the Northwest This is because Judy has allowed him to raise his self esteem by impressing her After Dexter is almost forced to caddy for Judy 5 he quits go pick up the young lady s clubs I don t think I ll go out today You don t I think I ll quit Dexter is proven to be an intelligent young man to have quit because by choosing to do so he has avoided having to cater to Judy earlier than he needs to 6 that is before he is faced 1 Wrong word Awkward structure reworded 2 Comma Error Use comma after intro adverb clause 3 Comma Splice Two complete sent s mayn t be joined 4 Comma Splice 2 Complete sent s mayn t be joined 5 Comma Error Use comma after intro adverb clause 6 Comma Splice No need for comma with the real hell she will have become later on in the story Finally Fitzgerald describes Dexter s reactions to his own caddies 9 years after he has quit caddying as trying to catch a gleam or a gesture that would remind him of himself that would lessen the gap which lay between his present and his past which shows that Dexter is sentimental and that he misses his past Dexter is presented as intelligent through his actions when after college he buys a partnership in a laundry and makes a specialty of learning how the English wash fine woolen golf stockings without shrinking them 7 A little later he is doing their wives lingerie as well and running five branches in different parts of the city in this example it becomes apparent that Dexter is smart and will definitely succeed in life for by learning the different ways of his customers he has opened the door to gaining more consumers By the end of Winter Dreams Dexter is completely destroyed in the fact that he was perfectly content with his life before he heard about the downfall of Judy Jones s empire After he subsequently lost the image of the girl of the dream he had once known and lived in 7 Run on Fixed w Period

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Dexter Green: An Analysis

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