CSU CHEM 343 - Quiz 8 Key

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CHEM 343 Quiz 8 1 How could the reaction below be completed O O O OH a NaOH H work up b H 1 H 2O c 1 SOCl2 pyridine 2 H 2O d a and b e a b and c 2 The product s of the reaction below would be O MeLi 1 5 equiv H work up Cl a O c a mixture of a and b HO b d a mixture of a and starting material e a mixture of b and starting material 3 The product s of the reaction below would be O MeLi 1 5 equiv H work up OMe a O b c a mixture of a and b HO d a mixture of a and starting material e a mixture of b and starting material 4 The product of the reaction below would be O DCC NH 2Et OEt a b O NHEt c O N N H O d OEt O OH 5 The product of the reaction below would be O mCPBA a b O c O HO OH d O O O 6 The products of the reaction below are O O EtOH O a HO c b O O HO EtO EtO d O O O O EtO HO O O HO EtO 7 Put the atoms below in order of increasing basicity O1 Cl H3 N O2 a 3 1 4 2 b 1 3 2 4 OH O4 c 4 2 1 3 d 2 4 3 1 8 Select conditions to complete the synthesis below N OH a MeLi 2 equiv H work up b 1 EtMgBr 1 equiv H work up 2 MeLi H work up c 1 DIBAL H work up 2 EtLi H work up d 1 MeLi 1 equiv H work up 2 DIBAL H work up 9 Select the appropriate starting material for the reaction below 1 MgBr 1 equiv H work up 2 Li 3 LAH a N HO H work up b O H N OMe Me 2N work up c O Cl Me 2N O d O Cl O O Me 2N 10 Which of the following chemical compounds should you accept while Trick or Treating a fructose b cinnamaldelyde c glycerol d all of the above OMe

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CSU CHEM 343 - Quiz 8 Key

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