CSU CHEM 343 - Quiz 4 Key

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CHEM 343 Quiz 4 1 Select the correct statement regarding the reaction below Br 2 AlCl3 a The reaction would not work because only FeBr 3 can be used in conjunction with Br 2 b The reaction would work but will result in a mixture of bromobenzene and chlorobenzene c The reaction will have a high energy of activiation and might therefore need to be heated d Electrons from a full orbital enter an empty 3p orbital in the course of the reaction 2 The major product of the reaction below would be Cl AlCl3 a b c Cl d 3 Consider the molecule below Which is the most electrophilic atom H S C N R a sulfur b carbon c nitrogen d no way to determine 4 Which of the following starting materials could be used in the reaction below AlCl3 sole product O a Cl b c either a or b d neither a nor b Cl O O 5 The reaction below was found scrawled on a bathroom wall Sadly only one step is correct which is the correct step Cl Cl H AlCl3 Cl Cl Cl 3Al Cl Cl choice a choice c choice b 6 Which of the electrophiles below requires no further modification before adding to benzene a b H 3C Cl AlCl3 H 2O O N c d O O Cl AlCl3 O HO S OH O 7 Rank the following in order of increasing reactivity towards electrophilic aromatic substitution a III II I IV S N H O P H I II III IV b IV I II III c I IV III II d II III IV I 8 The product of the reaction below is 1 Cl2 AlCl3 O a 2 Br 2 FeBr 3 Cl Br O Br b Cl d c Cl O O Br Cl Br O 9 Complete the synthesis below O a 1 Cl c AlCl3 2 H 2NNH 2 KOH Cl b Cl AlCl3 d either a or b AlCl3 10 Selet the correct statement regarding the reaction below H 2SO 4 HNO 3 a Electrons from 3 of benzene enter the NO orbital during the reaction b The increased energy of benzene s electrons during the reaction forces the reaction forward c Because NO 2 is less stable than HNO 3 its lowest energy antibonding orbital is higher in energy d The NO sigma bonds are higher in energy in HNO 3 than NO 2

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CSU CHEM 343 - Quiz 4 Key

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