CSU CHEM 343 - Quiz 1 Key

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CHEM 343 Quiz 1 1 What is the expected product of the following reaction H 2O2 1 HBr hv a c b Br Br Br 2 Put the radicals below in order of decreasing stability most to least stable I a II I IV III II b II IV III I IV III c IV II III I d IV II I III 3 Given the following reaction select the correct statement Cl2 Cl hv a The product shown is racemic b The product shown is the sole product c Both a and b are correct d Neither a nor b is correct 4 The step below is an example of Note Bu is an abbreviation for butyl NC NC H SnBu 3 H SnBu 3 a initiation b propagation c termination d cannot be determined without further information 5 Which of the following is not a possible product of the reaction below Br 2 hv a b Br 2 c d Br d Br 6 Of the following which is not a possible resonance structure of the radical shown a c b d 7 Interactions between which two orbitals contribute to the stabilization of the radical below a filled CH and empty C 2p c filled CH and half filled C 2p b filled CC and half filled C 2p d empty CC and half filled C 2p 8 Among the following which would be the least likely to act as a radical initiator a b OH HO c N d O N O O O S O OH HO O S O O 9 Which of the following would help ensure that the reaction below would not result in over halogenation CH 4 Cl2 hv a using a different wavelength of light c using an excess of methane ClCH 3 b using an excess of chlorine d heating the reaction 10 The first three steps of a mechanism are shown below though there may be a mistake in one of them In which step is there a mistake HO HO 2 HO OH H Br Br a in the initiation step c in the second propagation step HOH Br Br b in the first propagation step d all steps are correct

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CSU CHEM 343 - Quiz 1 Key

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