Mizzou ECONOM 3229 - Case 14.2 answers

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Case 14 2 The Auto Concepts Survey Association Analysis Case Objective This case item requires students to identify the proper associative analysis run it with SPSS and interpret the findings with respect to implications for integrated case Advanced Automobile Concepts SPSS dataset Answers to Case Questions 1 Use each unique automobile model demographic profile to determine whether or not statistically significant associations exist and if they do recommend the specific media vehicles for radio newspaper television and magazines Do not forget to use the advertising division s preferred demographic for each medium NOTE THAT THE CASE SAYS TO USE THE ANALYSIS RESULTS FROM CASE 13 2 WHERE THE DEMOGRAPHIC TARGET MARKETS WERE DETERMINED FOR MEDIA PROFILE THE CASE SAYS TO USE AGE FOR RADIO EDUCATION FOR NEWSPAPER AND TELEVISION AND INCOME FOR MAGAZINES IN THE CROSSTABS BELOW ALL SIGNIFICANT THE DEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLE IS THE COLUMN VARIABLE WHILE THE MEDIA VARIABLE IS THE ROW ONE THE OUTPUT IS SET TO THE COLUMN PERCENTS FOR EACH OF THE 5 MODELS FIND THE TARGET MARKET CATEGORY FROM CASE 13 2 FOR AGE AND USE THIS THESE COLUMNS TO FIND THE LARGEST PERCENTS FOR RADIO GENRES DECIDE ON A CRITERION SAY 2 3 OR 75 AND ADD THE LARGEST COLUMN PERCENT TO THE NEXT LARGEST AND THEN THE NEXT LARGEST UNTIL THE CRITERION IS REACHED EXCEEDED THE GENRES THAT CONSTITUTE THAT GROUP ARE THE RADIO MEDIA VEHICLES TO USE REPEAT THIS PROCESS FOR NEWSPAPER TELEVISION AND MAGAZINE MEDIA PROMOTIONAL MEDIA Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc 2 What is the social media profile of each of the possible target markets and what are the implications of this finding for the placement of advertising messages that would speak to this market segment when the automobile model is introduced Below is an abbreviated SPSS correlations table As can be seen super cycle prospects are novelists runabout sport prospects are innovators runabout prospects are trendsetters economy prospects are forerunners and standard prospects are mainstreamer The advertising implications are to use the appropriate life style characteristics in the advertising strategy and tactics so the audience can identify with the vehicle type Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc CORRELATIONS ARE SIGNIFICANT DUE TO LARGE SAMPLE SIZE BUT THEIR VALUES ARE VERY LOW SO NO SOCIAL MEDIA RECOMMENDATIONS Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc CORRELATIONS ARE SIGNIFICANT DUE TO LARGE SAMPLE SIZE AND SOME ARE MODERATE SO CONTENT COMMUNITIES AND SOCIAL NETWORK SITES ARE RECOMMENDED Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc CORRELATIONS ARE SIGNIFICANT DUE TO LARGE SAMPLE SIZE BUT THEIR VALUES ARE LOW AND NEGATIVE SO NO SOCIAL MEDIA RECOMMENDATIONS Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc CORRELATIONS ARE SIGNIFICANT DUE TO LARGE SAMPLE SIZE BUT THEIR VALUES ARE LOW AND NEGATIVE SO NO SOCIAL MEDIA RECOMMENDATIONS Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc CORRELATIONS ARE SIGNIFICANT DUE TO LARGE SAMPLE SIZE BUT THEIR VALUES ARE LOW AND NEGATIVE SO NO SOCIAL MEDIA RECOMMENDATIONS Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc

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Mizzou ECONOM 3229 - Case 14.2 answers

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