Mizzou ECONOM 3229 - Answers to Case 13.2

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Answers to Case 13 2 Questions Your task is to apply appropriate differences analysis using the survey s desirability measures in your Auto Concepts SPSS dataset to determine the target market descriptions for each of the five possible automobile models The nominal demographic variables are Hometown size category gender marital status age category education category and income category Only gender and marital status have 2 groups so do an independent samples t test for it and ANOVA s for all others This groups with the highest average preference and significantly different from other groups are the targets To conserve space the output is not provides but the findings are summarized below using 95 level of significance 1 Super Cycle One Seat All Electric mpg e rating 125 estimated MSRP manufacturer s suggested retail price 30 000 range 200 miles Group Statistics Gender N Mean Std Deviation Std Error Mean Desirability 1 Seat Male 560 3 08 1 184 050 Motorcycle Electric Female 440 2 09 1 056 050 Group Statistics Std Error Marital status Desirability 1 Seat Unmarried Motorcycle Electric Married Includes Cohabitation N Mean Std Deviation Mean 110 3 32 1 686 161 890 2 56 1 136 038 Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc Desirability 1 Seat Motorcycle Electric Duncan a b Subset for alpha 0 05 Size of home town or city N 1 2 100K to 500K 246 2 49 500K to 1 million 396 2 51 10K to 100K 190 2 55 40 2 63 Under 10K 1 million and more 128 3 48 Sig 454 1 000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 111 942 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed Desirability 1 Seat Motorcycle Electric Duncan a b Subset for alpha 0 05 Age category 25 to 34 65 and older N 1 320 2 12 75 2 40 35 to 49 440 50 to 64 145 18 to 24 20 Sig 2 3 4 2 40 2 77 2 77 3 06 6 05 139 050 118 1 000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 66 113 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc Desirability 1 Seat Motorcycle Electric Duncan a b Subset for alpha 0 05 Level of education N College degree Post graduate degree Some college 1 2 548 2 48 85 2 61 275 2 62 High School diploma 74 Less than high school 18 3 3 16 5 94 Sig 525 1 000 1 000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 57 941 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed Desirability 1 Seat Motorcycle Electric Duncan a b Subset for alpha 0 05 Income category 50K to 74K N 1 2 393 2 52 91 2 53 75K to 125K 332 2 54 25K to 49K 163 2 85 125K and more Under 25K Sig 21 5 48 114 1 000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 71 124 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed 1 SEAT MOTORCYCLE ELECTIC MODEL TARGET MARKET MALES UNMARRIED Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc HOMETOWN OF 1 MILLION AND MORE 18 24 YEARS OLD LESS THAN HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION UNDER 25K INCOME 2 Runabout Sport Two Seat All Electric mpg e 99 estimated MSRP 35 000 range 150 miles RELEVANT TABLES FROM THE ANALYSES ARE BELOW THE INTERPRETATION IS AFTER THE TABLES Group Statistics Gender N Mean Std Deviation Std Error Mean Desirability 2 Seat Male 560 3 90 1 584 067 Runabout Sport Electric Female 440 3 95 1 476 070 Group Statistics Marital status N Desirability 2 Seat Runabout Unmarried Sport Electric Married Includes Cohabitation Mean Std Error Mean 110 3 50 2 089 199 890 3 97 1 447 049 Desirability 2 Seat Runabout Sport Electric Duncan Std Deviation a b Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc Subset for alpha 0 05 Size of home town or city N Under 10K 1 40 2 3 4 2 10 10K to 100K 190 3 00 100K to 500K 246 1 million and more 128 4 50 500K to 1 million 396 4 56 3 61 Sig 1 000 1 000 1 000 760 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 111 942 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed Desirability 2 Seat Runabout Sport Electric Duncana b Subset for alpha 0 05 Age category N 1 18 to 24 20 65 and older 75 2 3 4 1 55 2 44 50 to 64 145 3 41 25 to 34 320 4 15 35 to 49 440 4 28 Sig 1 000 1 000 1 000 606 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 66 113 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed Desirability 2 Seat Runabout Sport Electric Duncana b Subset for alpha 0 05 Level of education Less than high school College degree N 1 18 2 3 4 1 50 548 3 35 Post graduate degree 85 3 49 High School diploma 74 3 49 3 85 Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc Some college 275 5 36 Sig 1 000 532 116 1 000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 57 941 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed Desirability 2 Seat Runabout Sport Electric Duncan a b Subset for alpha 0 05 Income category N 1 2 3 Under 25K 21 125K and more 91 3 31 75K to 125K 332 3 47 50K to 74K 393 25K to 49K 163 Sig 4 1 67 3 94 5 43 1 000 462 1 000 1 000 Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed a Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size 71 124 b The group sizes are unequal The harmonic mean of the group sizes is used Type I error levels are not guaranteed 2 SEAT RUNABOUT SPORT ELECTRIC MODEL TARGET MARKET MALES AND FEMALES MARRIED HOMETOWN OF 500K TO 1 MILLION AND MORE 25 49 YEARS OLD SOME COLLEGE EDUCATION 25K 49K INCOME 3 Runabout Hatchback Two Seat Gasoline Hybrid mpg e 50 runs on battery for 50 miles and then switches to gas engine estimated MSRP 35 000 range 250 miles Group Statistics Gender N Mean Std Deviation Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc Std Error Mean Desirability 2 Seat Male Runabout Hatchback Female Gasoline Hybrid 560 3 94 1 811 077 …

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Mizzou ECONOM 3229 - Answers to Case 13.2

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