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MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics Self Study Sheet for Chapter 10 Refrigeration Heat Pump Cycles 1 What is the difference between a refrigeration cycle and a heat pump What are their associated COPs 2 What is the reversed Carnot cycle What are the associated COPs 3 What are the processes of an ideal vapor compression cycle Draw it on a T s diagram How can we define COP for the idealized cycles MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics 4 How does an actual vapor compression cycle differ from an ideal cycle Draw the T s diagram 5 What are different refrigerants used as the working fluid in vapor compression cycles 6 How are heat pumps similar to refrigeration cycles Different MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics 7 What is an absorption refrigeration cycle 8 What is a gas refrigeration cycle Explain how the Brayton Refrigeration Cycles works

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