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MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics Self Study Sheet for Chapter 8 Vapor Power Cycles 1 What is the significance of the working fluid in a vapor power cycle as compared to a gas power cycle a What will it cycle between b Where should you get the properties from when solving such a cycle 2 Why is water steam the most commonly used working fluid in such cycles 3 What is the Carnot vapor cycle Show the associated processed in a P v and T s diagrams MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics 4 List the reasons why we do not use Carnot cycle to compare real vapor power cycles to Are there ways to eliminate these issues 5 What is the name of the ideal vapor power cycle a What are the processes involved in it b What are the main components What purpose does each have MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics c How will we analyze it d How do we calculate the efficiency of the cycle 6 How do real vapor power cycles differ from idealized cycles 7 How do we compare a real cycle to an idealized cycle MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics 8 What are the ways we can improve the cycle efficiency How do they impact efficiency Are they used in practice 9 How can we take advantage of increased efficiency from higher boiler Temperatures in the Rankine Cycle a How can we achieve it b Do we use these methods If not why not MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics 10 What is a supercritical Rankine cycle 11 What is are the reason s for using a reheat Rankine cycle 12 What is regeneration Rankine cycle MEEN 315 Principles of Thermodynamics 13 What is co generation 14 What is a combined cycle Explain how it works

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