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MEEN 315 Thermodynamics Self Guided Study Sheet for Chapter 6 Using Entropy Lectures second part of 18 19 21 Note Exam 2 is only up to Chapter 6 5 or Lecture 19 1 What is entropy Is it a property 2 What is the Clausius inequality When is it and when is it What happens in the special case of an internally reversible isothermal heat transfer process 3 What is the increase of entropy principle 4 How is entropy generated during a process 5 Since entropy is a property much like internal energy or enthalpy we can use the tables to find its value for saturated mixtures Review quality and draw a T s diagram like figure 6 2 with lines of constant P What is an h s diagram 6 What is an isentropic process How would you represent one on a T s diagram 7 What is the Boltzman relation of entropy 8 What are the TdS relations 9 How can we calculate the entropy change of liquids and solids 10 How can we calculate the entropy change of ideal gases 11 How can we calculate the entropy change of saturated mixtures 12 What equations might be useful for dealing with isentropic processes of Ideal gases 13 How can we calculate reversible steady flow work 14 What is the origin of the Bernouli equation 15 How can one minimize compressor work 16 Isentropic efficiencies a Why are they useful b Define Isentropic efficiency of a turbine c Define Isentropic efficiency of a compressor d Define Isentropic efficiency of a pump e Define Isentropic efficiency of a nozzle 17 Write the entropy balance for a open system How does this compare with the entropy balance of a closed system 18 What are the mechanisms of entropy transfer

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