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MEEN 315 Thermodynamics Self Guided Study Sheet for Chapter 5 Second Law of Thermodynamics Lectures 15 17 part of 18 1 The first law of thermodynamics is also known as the conservation of energy principle what does the second law add 2 What is a thermal energy reservoir 3 What is a heat engine What are they characterized by Draw a heat engine diagram and label the Q and W transfers 4 What is a working fluid 5 How do we define the thermal efficiency of a heat engine 6 Write the Kelvin Plank Statement of the Second Law 7 What is a heat pump What are they characterized by Draw a heat pump diagram and label the Q and W transfers 8 What is a refrigerator What are they characterized by Draw a refrigerator diagram and label the Q and W transfers 9 What is a coefficient of performance How do we define it in general How do we define it for a heat pump How about a refrigerator 10 Write the Clausius Statement of the Second Law 11 How are the Clausis and Kelvin Plank statements related Are they equivalent Why are the both phrased in the negative 12 What is a perpetual motion device What types are there Define them 13 What is a reversible process What is an irreversible process 14 What are irreversibilities List some familiar forms 15 What is an internally reversible process Externally reversible Totally reversible 16 What is the Carnot cycle Is it real Why is it useful 17 What are the processes involved in a Carnot cycle Draw it on a P v Diagram and a T s Diagram labeling the processes 18 What is a reversed Carnot cycle 19 What are the Carnot corollaries 20 What do we mean by thermodynamic temperature scale What T scale MUST we do our calculations in 21 What is a Carnot Heat Engine 22 What is Carnot Efficiency Why can we write it in terms of T 23 What is energy quality 24 How do we define Carnot Heat Pumps and Refrigerators What is the COP for each 25 Can any real device be better in efficiency or COP than the Carnot version 26 Is the Carnot version achievable 27 Does a Carnot engine represent the maximum or minimum possible work 28 What is the Clausius inequality How does is relates to irreversible reversible and impossible processes involving heat and work

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