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MEEN 315 Thermodynamics Self Guided Study Sheet for Chapter 3 Properties of Pure Substances 1 What is a pure substance What phases can it exist in 2 Explain the state principle for a simple system 3 How do we fix a state of a pure substance 4 What are the phase change processes a Which form of E is associated with phase change b What is the difference between a compressed and saturated liquid c What is the difference between a saturated and superheated vapor d Define Tsat and Psat e What are the consequences of Tsat and Psat dependence 5 Property Diagrams for Phase Change processes a T v Diagram Definitions i Draw a T v diagram with a few lines of constant P labels pts ii Critical point iii Saturated liquid line iv Saturated vapor line v Compressed liquid CL region vi Superheated vapor SHV region vii Saturated mixture region b Draw a P v Diagram with a few lines of constant T label pts Draw a T v diagram with a few lines of constant P labels pts i Critical point ii Saturated liquid line iii Saturated vapor line iv Compressed liquid CL region v Superheated vapor SHV region vi Saturated mixture region c What is the Triple point d Draw P T or Phase Diagram for a pure substance 6 Property Tables a Define enthalpy How is it different from internal energy What are its units in SI and English b What are the property subscripts for liquid and vapor phases c What is quality When do we need to use this property How can you use it to calculate the average property of a saturated mixture d How does a superheated vapor SHV compare to a saturated vapor e How does a compressed liquid CL compare to a saturated liquid f What is a reference state Why is it important to know the reference state used by your tables 7 Ideal Gas Equation of State a What is an equation of state b Write the Ideal Gas Law IGL in all of its forms How are they related How can you use IGL to relate an ideal gas at two different states c What is the compressibility factor Why is it useful 8 What is Specific Heat What are the two forms of specific heat How are they related to u and h How do you know when to use each form 9 What are the specific heat relations of Ideal Gases 10 What are the specific heat relations of Solids and Liquids

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