TAMU MEEN 221 - MEEN_221_Lec1_Spring2017

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Statics and Particle Dynamics MEEN 221 Teaching Team Instructor Shahla Chowdhury Lecturer Mechanical Engineering Department Office 431 MEO Bldg Office Hours TR 4 15 5 00 pm W 11 am 1 30 pm E mail chowdhury s tamu edu Teaching and Grading Assistant Madison Links madison likins icloud com Textbook Engineering Mechanics Statics Author R C Hibbeler Engineering Mechanics Dynamics Author R C Hibbeler eText to be purchased through ecampus Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics online version with study packs 13th edition R C Hibbeler Pearson Prentice Hall An internet enabled device such as smart phone tablet or laptop is required for work done in class Grading Policy of total weight Homework 10 In class Quizzes 15 Exam 1 25 Exam 2 25 Exam 3 25 Sure Do well Grading Scale 90 A 100 80 B 90 70 C 80 60 D 70 F 60 What will we learn Truss bridge in Boston MA We can design by ourselves Proper force calculation Maximum loads Need to calculate the loads in each component Application at Bicycle Dynamics Can we apply statics or dynamics while riding on bicycle Statics Syllabus The classical laws discovered by him Who is he Musician Magician Vector Mechanics Syllabus cont Equilibrium of particles in 2D and 3D Truss and Frame Syllabus cont Beam Deflection and Bending moment Friction Friction between tier and icy runway Syllabus cont Center of Gravity Machines Syllabus cont Kinematics and Kinetics of Particles http www ultramotion com images bugcut gif http www mekanizmalar com xsimple whitworth quick return mechanism large jpg pagespeed ic jfUR80f 4Y jpghttp image ec21 com image tmgkorea oimg GC04633217 CA05855280 Worm Gear Actuator Actuation Systems s for Ball Butterfly 26 ETC Valve jpg http www mathworks com matlabcentral fileexchange screenshots 8293 original jpg Screw actuators Power transmitted by Pulley Screw actuators Power transmitted by Gears Slot and Pin mechanism Hydraulic actuator Industrial Production and Packaging Tablet Packaging http www kwangdah com images blister packing series kdb120 blistermachine jpg Cement Bags Transfer http az414734 vo msecnd net shared contents media 161377 minerals cement 20 grout jpg Fundamental of Engineering FE Examination Mandatory topics for Engineering Mathematics Engineering Probability and Statistics Chemistry Computers Ethics and Business Practices Engineering Economics Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics Strength of Materials Material Properties Fluid Mechanics Electricity and Magnetism Thermodynamics Biology http en wikipedia org wiki Fundamentals of Engineering exam Rules for the Class Please see the syllabus Class rules Please see https student rules tamu edu http aggiehonor tamu edu Excuse for absence Please see http studentrules tamu edu rule7 Americans with Disabilities Act ADA Please see http disability tamu edu Aggie Honor System Office AHSO Please see http aggiehonor tamu edu RulesAndProcedures HonorSystemRule s aspx NO texting or web browsing during class TEAM QUIZZES Obtained from Andreas A Polycarpou Department Head Meinhard J Kotzebue Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering Texas A M University Team Assignments Group Work In regards to the team assignments Students will be assigned to teams typically four students per group I typically pre assign the teams However if you have any specific requests for teammate s please let me know by 5 30 pm Thursday January 19th 2017 and a small explanation and I will take it into consideration for the team assignments Each group member will individually outline solution methodology before group meetings However only one solution per group will be handed in for grading Two times during the semester the group members will be asked for an Individual Effort or citizenship self assessment rating which will be used to assess participation for each student Details will be provided separately Please read Working in Teams Policies and Expectations to be provided separately The same teams will be used for the in class quizzes HW assignments Working in Teams Policies and Expectations TEAMS ARE NOT EASY As you already have found out or soon you will find out group work is not always easy Team members sometimes cannot prepare for or attend group sessions because of other responsibilities and conflicts often result from differing skill levels and work ethics When teams work and communicate well however the benefits more than compensate for the difficulties Chances of success are greatly improved if there is an agreement beforehand on what everyone on team expects from everyone else TEAM EXPECTATIONS Why Teams ABET Engineering Criteria Please see Attachment A below These 10 Outcomes are what you are supposed to know when graduating Please note that many of these outcomes require Team work as well as soft personal skills To fulfill ABET s criteria the students need to apply higher levels of learning Levels 5 6 in Bloom s Taxonomy see Attachment B These are Analysis Synthesis and Evaluation In addition the real world for the most part requires people to work together and interface skills etc So you might as well get used to it Talking from personal experience in a real job you will typically be a member of a team s with a specific knowledge expertise and function Your teammates will probably be from different disciplines and different background some will be really nice guys and some will be really not so nice and difficult to work with At the end the team has to accomplish their tasks What s in a Team TEAMS have already been assigned or will soon be assigned TEAM EXPECTATIONS First meeting of teams will require mutual agreement of team expectations what rules and expectations each team member agrees to abide by in their dealings together as a team First TEAM ASSIGNMENT Define TEAM EXPECTATIONS and everyone sign it with a copy turned into me These expectations are for your use and benefit I will not grade them or even comment on them unless you ask me to The list you develop should be fairly thorough without being unrealistic as this will give the team the best chance of success Realistic We will try to come prepared at each meeting or we will make sure any who misses meeting for good cause gets caught up on work Unrealistic We will never miss a meeting TEAM POLICIES Designate a coordinator recorder and checker for each meeting Rotate these roles every time Agree on a common meeting time and what each member should have done before the meeting e g literature search on a specific subject etc Do the

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