Clemson BIOL 2230 - Quiz 1 for Anatomy lab 2

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Pituitary Gland Hormones and function o Anterior Pituitary Growth hormone GH regulates metabolism and body growth Adrenocorticotrophic hormone ACTH activates the adrenal gland Melanocyte stimulating hormone MSH stimulates skin pigment production Thyroid stimulating hormone TSH stimulates the thyroid gland Prolactin PRL stimulates milk secretion by the mammary glands Follicle stimulating hormone FSH stimulates development of ova in females and sperm in males Luteinizing hormone LH stimulates secretion of sex hormones by the gonads o Posterior Pituitary Antidiuretic hormone ADH stimulates water reabsorption in the kidneys to reduce urine volume Oxytocin OT stimulates contractions of the uterus and milk secretion by the mammary glands Pineal Gland Hormones and function o Melatonin MT regulates sleep Thyroid Gland Hormones and function o Thyroxine T4 secreted by follicle cells it regulates the breakdown of glucose and the synthesis of most cells of the body regulates tissue growth o Triidothyronine T3 also secreted by follicle cells it works in conjunction with thyroxine to produce the same effects Together they are referred to as thyroid hormone TH regulates tissue growth o Calcitonin CT decreases blood Ca levels Parathyroid Gland Hormones and function o Parathyroid hormone antagonist of calcitonin increase blood Ca levels Thymus Hormones and function o Thymosin stimulates development of disease fighting T cells Pancreas Hormones and function o Glucagon increases blood sugar levels o Insulin decreases blood sugar levels Adrenal Gland Hormones and function divided into 2 parts cortex and medulla o In the cortex Corticosteroids region zona glomerulosa Mineralocorticoids MCs function to regulate electrolyte concentrations of extracellular fluids major hormone is aldosterone Corticosteroids region zona fasciculate Glucocorticoids GCs steroid hormones that effect the rates of glucose metabolism major hormone is cortisol Corticosteroids region zona reticularis Androgens precursor molecules to the sex hormones testosterone in males and estrogen in females o In the medulla Epinephrine EP accelerates cellular energy utilization and the mobilization of energy reserves to increase ATP availability to critical organs Norepinephrine NEP mimics the effects of epinephrine Ovaries Hormones and function o Estrogen development of female sex characteristics Testes Hormones and function o Testosterone development of male sex characteristics

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Clemson BIOL 2230 - Quiz 1 for Anatomy lab 2

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