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Study Questions for Test 2 Court and Classical Dance Forms Chapter Four Bugaku and Ballet From the Royal Courts to Theatrical Dance 1 Royal courts everywhere are centers of wealth prestige and patronage of high culture Art Every event at court was and is an occasion to demonstrate position or rank Dancing at courts everywhere is central to the definition and display of 2 Why have royal courts and dance always been linked 3 How is dancing at court all over the world similar 4 In Ghana the king Asantehene of the Asante people is expected to dance well to display his royal virtues of strength and virility He moves slowly elegantly and majestically to honor his ancestors His movements are energetic but not hurried or jerky 5 What is drum censorship if you mess up you have to stop playing In the Asante court 6 Where is Java located What disasters are seasonal What are recurrent but unpredictable indonesia they are ready for typoons and floods but not ready for earthquakes and tsunamis balance and equilibrum are important 7 The bedoyo is a tranquil dance that commemorates the marriage of a Muslim ruler to the goddess Queen of the Southern Sea Linkage of divinity royalty go back to the god kings of the 9th 10th centuries who developed a unique blend of Buddhism Hinduism 8 What are some characteristics of this dance The essence is balance equilibrium the nine dancers are barefoot wear elaborate costumes and perform in unison to a predominantly percussive orchestra The steps are highly stylized the floor patterns flow smoothly from asymmetrical to symmetrical groupings 9 The wayang wong dance drama spectacles comprise men and women dancing There are two distinct styles for the male dancers one is abrupt and forceful to portray warriors ogres the other is smooth flowing for the refined thoughtful heroes 10 Court dances of China can be traced back to eleven hundred B C when the Duke of Chou formulated music and dances to accompany religions rites Emperor WUU during the Han dynasty set up the Office of Music and the Chinese Opera 11 How had the Chinese Opera further developed by the Tang dynasty HIGHLY DEVELOPED DANCE DRAMAS THEY HAVE STAYED THE SAME OVERTIME 12 Also during the Tang dynasty Chinese opera was introduced from China and Korea into JAPAN forming the basis of BUGAKU 13 Gagaku bugaku represent the world s oldest continuing tradition of court music dance Japanese paradoxically embrace innovation and carefully preserve the past Their indigenous religion is SHINTO and the emperor represents the gods as the high priest The word itself means continuity 14 GAGAKU is basic to the bugaku aesthetic as is the slow tempo Be able to recognize elements of setting and costume how many dancers what kinds of instruments play the music Know that in 1955 the court musicians dancers were declared living national treasures 15 In Ghana Java and Japan royal courts have survived the transition to other forms of government because ideals of behavior embodied in their rituals are still viewed as symbols of their culture or national identity In Western Europe court dances are no longer instruments of political control what has survived the demise of the court itself has become the basis of BALLROOM and BALLET dancing 16 The use of dance as an instrument of political power in Europe had its roots in the court spectacles of 15th century Renaissance ITALY 17 Many of the dances came from FOLKDANCES 18 Had it not been for two rulers CATHERINE DIMENECHI and LOUIS THE FOURTEEN ballet might have remained a form of court social dance 19 Who was Balthasar de Beaujoyeaux and to what is he attributed 20 CATHERINES DIMENCHI DANCING MASTER ballet Comingue de la reine the queens happy dance 20 The Italian word for dance ballare gave rise to the word for court spectacles balli The tradition of mass choreography established in the Renaissance courts of Europe still exists in England s pageants of state Edinburgh s military tatoo and holiday parades and football half time shows in the USA 21 In the 1600s France s warrior king centered his court at the palace of Versia Like drum censorship a misstep or faux pas in Louis XIV s court resulted in banishment from court 22 In Le Ballet de la Nuit Louis XIV portrayed the Greek god of the sun APPOLO and thereafter was known as the Sun King 23 In 1661 the king established L Academie Royale de la Danse with PIERRE BOCHANT as director his terminology and rules of technique form the basis of all ballet classes today 24 What was another innovation during this time moving ballet towards professionalization PERFORMANCES WERE DONE IN NEW ITALIAN STYLE THEATHERS THAT SEPERATED THE DANCERS FROM THE AUDIENCE 25 During the 18th century ballets had little content or continuity Stories were told through PANTOMINE WIGS MASKS LIMITED MOVEMENT the dances followed formulaic patterns regardless of subject matter costumes were cumbersome 26 Jean Georges Noverre is important to reforming ballet in authenticity and expressiveness He published a book in 1760 that has influenced choreographers ever since stating that 1 Movement should be technically brilliant and emotionally evocative 2 Plots should be unified logical and understandable superfluous dances eliminated 3 The scenery music costumes and plot should be unified and appropriate to theme 4 Pantomime needs to be simple clear and understandable 27 What was important about Jean Dauberval s La Fille Mal Gardee She fell in love with a peasant boy and was able to marry him and not who her mother picked out for her it was something that centered on ordinary people 28 Two women superstars of the day were Marie Camargo techichian jumper who insisted her skirt be shortened so the audience can see her legs and her fancy footwork Marie Salle she refused to wear a mask so the people could see her face and her emotions 29 Why did ballet survive the French Revolution changed to suite the public 30 The Romantic Era was characterized by love of nature emotion fantasy escape from the grim realities of the Industrial Revolution and interest in exoticism poetic suffering and the supernatural 31 As skirts of the ballroom became larger and grander ballet skirts became less Describe a typical Romantic tutu 32 lightweight 32 What inspired Filippo Taglioni to create the first pointe shoe What illusion does dancing sur les pointes or en pointe enhance 33 was inspired by his daughter lightness and innoncence he wanted her to llook kike she was just going to float in the

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