TAMU BIOL 2401 - Exercise 2: Testable Observations

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Exercise 2 Testable Observations Determine which of the following observations are testable For those that are testable Determine if the observation is qualitative or quantitative Write a hypothesis and null hypothesis What would be your experimental approach What are the dependent and independent variables What are your controls both positive and negative How will you collect your data How will you present your data charts graphs types How will you analyze your data Observations 1 A plant grows three inches faster per day when placed on a windowsill than it does when placed on a on a coffee table in the middle of the living room This observation is quantitative because it is measuring inches Hypothesis The plant will grow faster on the windowsill than on the coffee table in the middle of the room Null Hypothesis The plant will grow the same on the windowsill as it does on the coffee table in the middle of the room My experimental approach would be to plant two identical plants in the same conditions and measure them daily The only difference in the plants would be the location at which they sit in the house The independent variable would be the location of the plant or amount of sunlight available The dependent variable would be the growth of the plant measured daily The negative control would be to place a plant identical to the project plants in the cabinet where it would receive no sunlight and there would be no way to grow The positive control would be the plant in the windowsill because it will have all the conditions needed for growth I will measure the plants daily with a ruler and take down the length in inches I would present my data on two scatter plot graphs each representing a location I would analyze the data by comparing the two graphs and seeing which plant had the best growth 2013 eScience Labs LLC All Rights Reserved 2 The teller at the bank with brown hair and brown eyes is taller than the other tellers Not testable 3 When Sally eats healthy foods and exercises regularly her blood pressure is 10 points lower than when she does not exercise and eats fatty foods This observation is quantitative because blood pressure is a measureable number Hypothesis Sally s blood pressure will be lower when she partakes in exercise regularly and eats healthy food Null Hypothesis Sally s blood pressure will not differ when she eats healthy and exercises compared to when she does not and eats fatty foods My experimental approach would be to have a strict healthy diet and exercise plan for Sally for one week and at the end of each day measure her blood pressure Then the next week allow Sally to eat fatty foods and she will not work out this week I will then measure her blood pressure at the end of each day The independent variable would be the diet and exercise plan Sally participates in for the week The dependent variable would be her blood pressure at the end of each day The negative control would be where Sally s blood pressure remains the same regardless of diet and exercise regime The positive control the blood pressure will decrease with healthy eating and exercise I will measure the blood pressure daily I would present my data on two scatter plot graphs One of the graphs represents healthy diet and exercise and one would represent a bad diet and no exercise I would analyze the data by comparing the two graphs and determining if the diet and exercise affected the blood pressure 4 The Italian restaurant across the street closes at 9 pm but the one two blocks away closes at 10 pm Not testable 5 For the past two days the clouds have come out at 3 pm and it has started raining at 3 15 pm Not testable 6 George did not sleep at all the night following the start of daylight savings Not testable 2013 eScience Labs LLC All Rights Reserved

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TAMU BIOL 2401 - Exercise 2: Testable Observations

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