CSCI 570 Fall 2016 HW 5 September 23 2016 1 Solve the following recurrences by giving tight notation bounds in terms of n for sufficiently large n Assume that T represents the running time of an algorithm i e T n is positive and non decreasing function of n and for small constants c independent of n T c is also a constant independent of n a T n 4T n 2 n2 log n b T n 8T n 6 n log n c T n 2T n log n 2 Solve Kleinberg and Tardos Chapter 5 Exercise 3 3 Solve Kleinberg and Tardos Chapter 5 Exercise 5 4 Assume that you have a black box that can multiply two integers Describe an algorithm that when given an n bit positive integer a and an integer x computes xa with at most O n calls to the black box 5 Consider the following algorithm StrangeSort which sorts n distinct items in a list A a If n 1 return A unchanged b For each item x A scan A and count how many other items in A are less than x c Put the items with count less than n 2 in a list B d Put the other items in a list C e Recursively sort lists B and C using StrangeSort f Append the sorted list C to the sorted list B and return the result Formulate a recurrence relation for the running time T n of StrangeSort on a input list of size n Solve this recurrence to get the best possible O bound on T n 6 Consider an array A of n numbers with the assurance that n 2 A 1 A 2 and A n A n 1 An index i is said to be a local minimum of the array A if it satisfies 1 i n A i 1 A i and A i 1 A i 1 a Prove that there always exists a local minimum for A b Design an algorithm to compute a local minimum of A Your algorithm is allowed to make at most O log n pairwise comparisons between elements of A 7 Given a sorted array of n integers that has been rotated an unknown number of times give an O log n algorithm that finds an element in the array An example of array rotation is as follows original sorted array A 1 3 5 7 11 after first rotation A0 3 5 7 11 1 after second rotation A00 5 7 11 1 3 2
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