UW-Madison RP&SE 300 - RPSE 300 Exam 1 Study Guide

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RPSE 300 Individuals with Disabilities Exam 1 Study Questions Chapter 1 1 How can cooperative teaching benefit students with and without disabilities 2 Compare and contrast arguments for and against the practice of labeling pupils according to their disability 3 Differentiate between the terms disability and handicap Provide a specific example of each term 4 What is special education Chapter 2 5 Name and describe the six major components and guarantees of PL 94 142 6 What was the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act List four areas where this law affects the lives of individuals with disabilities 7 Compare the provisions and purpose of an IFSP with those of an IEP 8 How do prereferral interventions benefit the student suspected of requiring a special educator Chapter 3 9 What do the terms culture and cultural diversity mean to you 10 Why is bilingual education a controversial topic 11 Explain why pupils from minority groups experience disproportionate representation in some special education programs 12 Why is the assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students perceived to be problematic How might these difficulties be corrected Chapter 4 13 What are the stages of emotional response that many parents go through when informed that their child has a disability Give examples of the types of behavior typically exhibited at each stage 14 What was the purpose of the eugenics movement and how did it affect relationships between professionals and parents 15 Describe what you believe to be key personal characteristics of professionals who work with families of individuals with disabilities 16 Why do professionals currently believe that efforts should be directed toward working with families of children with special needs instead of just parents Chapter 5 17 What is the relationship between assistive technology and universal design for learning 18 What is the difference between assistive technology devices and assistive technology services 19 Who provides assistive technology services 20 Identify the seven different purposes of assistive technology and give an example of each type

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UW-Madison RP&SE 300 - RPSE 300 Exam 1 Study Guide

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