UW-Madison RP&SE 300 - RPSE300_Lecture Notes_5

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Gargiulo Special Education in Contemporary Society 5th Edition Chapter Five Assistive Technology Chapter Summary This chapter begins with a description of the different types of technology that are typically seen in educational settings Assistive technology devices and services are differentiated The history and legal requirements for assistive technology are reviewed Assistive technology decision making can be accomplished through different frameworks that are available to IEP teams If assistive technology is written into the IEP the school must provide the technology however other resources also provide assistive technology for students Assistive technology can be categorized in terms of how technologically advanced it is Devices and tools for reading writing math social studies science life skills organization and management skills and for young children are discussed Issues associated with assistive technology and future trends with assistive technology are also discussed Learning Objectives Discuss what makes a technology an assistive technology for students with disabilities Understand the legal and legislative aspects of assistive technology Explain how assistive technology can benefit students with disabilities Describe the difference between low tech mid tech and high tech assistive technology Describe the different purposes of assistive technology Identify assistive technology devices that support students with disabilities across content area instruction Chapter Outline I II Technology in Education a Educational Technology i The study and practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating using and managing technological processes and resources ii In practice often involves repurposing technologies developed for other applications iii 6 types 1 Technology of teaching 2 Medical technology 3 Productivity technology 4 Information technology 5 Instructional technology 6 Assistive technology Assistive Technology a Devices and services Gargiulo Special Education in Contemporary Society 5th Edition III IV V VI VII i Devices 1 Items equipment or product systems used to increase maintain or improve functional capabilities of an individual with a disability ii Services 1 Assist individuals in selecting acquiring or using an assistive technology device b History and Legislation i From Braille to magnification devices to talking calculators to the use of microcomputer based devices ii Important legislation 1 IDEA a Not just for students with more severe disabilities but for all students with disabilities b Provided at no cost except for implanted devices such as cochlear implants 2 Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with Disabilities Act Assistive Technology Decision Making a Student Environments Tasks and Tools SETT b Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative WATI c University of Kentucky Assistive Technology UKAT Toolkit d National Assistive Technology Research Institute NATRI Assistive Technology Planner e Try out assistive technology device or tool before purchasing through state lending libraries Assistive Technology and the IEP a Related service accommodation goal objective b If written in the IEP it is the school s financial responsibility but the school is not required to pay for all assistive technologies i Often provided by sources other than the schools Assistive Technology Categorization a No tech b Low tech c Mid tech d High tech Devices and Tools a Reading b Writing c Mathematics d Science and social studies e Life skills f Organization and management skills g Assistive technology and young children Issues with Assistive Technology a Possible stigmatization b Need for adequate training or knowledge to implement technology Gargiulo Special Education in Contemporary Society 5th Edition VIII c Cost of assistive technology Assistive Technology Future Trends a Assistive technology supports Universal Design of Learning UDL b Trend toward mobile personalized smaller and faster c Models for evaluating apps for students

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