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Homework 1 Homework 1 is due on Friday September 2 at 4 00pm Remember to include your Discussions section e g AB1 and follow the complete Homework submission guidelines Please ask all questions about this assignment during the TA and UA office hours Questions sent via e mail will not be answered Please remember to submit your homework before the deadline and staple your submission Homework that is not stapled or late will NOT be graded No exceptions Many of the problems in this homework require showing your work If you do not show your work half of the points will be taken away Abstraction and Binary Representation 1 Ambiguity in representations Decades ago telephone companies created a mapping from English letters into digits in order to help humans memorize telephone numbers For example a rental car company might obtain the number corresponding to the words CAR RENT The representation maps multiple letters into a single digit for example the letters A B and C are all represented by the digit 2 You have probably seen a variant of this same code when sending text messages with old cell phones Explain why this mapping does not make a good representation for use by computers In particular could we store English text as a sequence of decimal digits using this mapping 2 Levels of transformation The levels of transformation refer to Patt Patel textbook Ch 1 are often referred to as levels of abstraction Is this a reasonable characterization Justify your answer by providing examples or explanations 3 Required number of bits For each of the following calculate the number of bits needed to uniquely represent the specified item If you need to make any assumptions write them down for us Remember the number of bits needed can only be an integer number 1 A University of Illinois student as identified by its UIN 2 A human gene it is currently estimated we have a total of 25 000 genes 3 A human living on Earth Check Worldometers for the current world population count and base your answer on that number 4 Conversion to 2 s complement Convert the following decimal numbers into their 2 s complement representation assuming 8 bit notation Show your work 1 85 2 1 5 Conversion from 2 s complement Convert the following 2 s complement numbers into their decimal representation Show your work 1 11100111 2 00110001

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UIUC ECE 120 - Abstraction and Binary Representation

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