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Homework 4 Homework 4 is due on Friday September 23 at 4 00pm Remember to include your Discussions section e g AB1 and follow the complete Homework submission guidelines Please ask all questions about this assignment during the TA and UA office hours Questions sent via e mail will not be answered Please remember to submit your homework before the deadline and staple your submission Homework that is not stapled or late will NOT be graded No exceptions Most of the problems in this homework require showing your work If you do not show your work half of the points will be taken away CMOS logic Boolean expressions minimization 1 CMOS Logic a Complete the circuit below so that it implements a NOR gate Specifically in each of the four boxes draw a p type or n type transistor as needed to implement a NOR gate c Complete the following CMOS transistor level circuit by drawing the bottom half of the circuit from OUT to ground b Fill in a truth table for the following CMOS circuit What logic gate does this circuit implement 2 Canonical Forms The Boolean functions f and g with operands x y z are defined below by their truth tables x y z f g 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 List the maxterms that we need to define function f Separately list the maxterms that we need to define function g List the minterms that we need to define function f Separately list the minterms that we need to define function g List the minterms that we need to define function f Separately list the minterms that we need to define function g List the minterms that we need to define function f g List the maxterms that we need to define function fg Express function f and function g in sum of minterms canonical SOP form Express function f and function g in product of maxterms canonical POS form 3 Truth Table in C Copy the C program below This program generates the truth table for a three input OR function include stdio h int main int x y z f printf nTruth Table n printf x y z f n for x 0 x 1 x x 1 for y 0 y 1 y y 1 for z 0 z 1 z z 1 f x y z 1 printf d d d d n x y z f return 0 1 Modify the program to print a truth table for function g given by its canonical SOP form from your solution to problem 2 6 above 2 Compare the printout produced by your program to the truth table in problem 2 Turn in a printout of your program and the printout of the truth table the program produces as output Hint make sure you understand what line 15 of the code is doing before you make any changes to the program 4 Simplifying with K maps The functions f a b c d and g a b c d are specified by their Karnaugh maps shown below For each function 1 Circle on the K map and list all prime implicants 2 Find a minimal SOP expression Is it unique Explain your answer 3 Find a minimal POS expression Is it unique Explain your answer 5 Simplifying with K maps Let f a b c d ac ac b a b c d 1 Using a K map like the one shown below derive a minimal SOP expression for f Show your work 2 Using a K map like the one shown below derive a minimal POS expression for f Show your work 6 C Program Modification Download or copy the following program factorial c The code calculates the factorial of a number provided by the user Unfortunately the code gives erroneous answers for integer inputs that are negative valued and values for which their factorial exceeds 2311 Your mission is to extend this program so that it accepts only those inputs that will produce correct outputs asking the user to try again until a valid entry is given Hint Use a loop construct For each unacceptable input the program should print the appropriate warning message The input is not acceptable try again a Create a flow chart for your new enhanced version of this program Turn it in as part of your homework solution Create a complete flow chart in a standard manner as showed in textbook and lecture By standard we need start and end proper use of boxes rectangles parallelograms etc conditions If you are uncertain of how to draw correct flow charts please refer to textbook chapter 13 There are plenty of examples b Write compile run test and debug your program code to confirm that it provides the correct output for integer inputs within 32 bit range Turn in a printout of your program code as part of your homework solution

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UIUC ECE 120 - CMOS logic, Boolean expressions, minimization

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