TAMU COMM 335 - COMM335--Test1

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Lecture 1 We study intercultural communication for 6 reasons concepts page 40 The self awareness imperative involves increasing understanding of our own location in larger social political and historical contexts The demographic imperative includes the changing domestic and international migration raising questions of class and religious diversity The economic imperative highlights issues of globalization and the challenges for increased cultural understanding needed to reach the global market The technological imperative gives us increasing information and increasing contact with people who are similar and different from us Increased use of communication technology also raises questions about identity and access to these technologies The peace imperative involves working through issues of colonialism economic disparities and racial ethnic and religious differences The ethical imperative calls for an understanding of the universalists relativist and dialogic approach to ethical issues Overall self awareness demographic economic technological peace ethical imperatives Vocabulary Words Anglo centrism using anglo or white culture standards as the criteria for interpretations and judgements of behaviors and attitudes pg 12 Ethnocentrism a tendency to think that our own culture is superior to others pg 5 Heterogeneous culture differences in a group culture or population pg 8 Homogeneous culture similarities in a group culture or population pg 8 Identity tourism a concept that refers to people taking on the identities of other races genders classes or sexual orientations for recreational purposes pg 27 Identify management the way individuals make sense of their multiple images concerning their sense of self in different social context pg 27 Self reflexivity a process of learning to understand oneself and one s position in society pg 36 Global Village a term coined by Marshall McLuhan in the 1960s that refers to a world in which communication technology unites people in remote parts of the world pg 22 The Global Village Talked about in the book Understanding Media written by Marshall McLuhan Retribalization of the world Communication technology shapes cognition and perception More contact More familiarity Difficult to disassociate with minorities Easier to cross national borders Lecture 2 Marshall McLuhan s Global Village YouTube Video Global Village is because of technology Reasons for the world getting smaller Becoming more available to mind and emotions Prior to technology only books Book is where information came from Books private experience Electronic media has taken away from the books Marshall McLuhan Global Village With it the idea of understanding completely People weren t with it in the book culture In the book culture no point of view Technology has made our world into a single unit Everyone gets the message now Why use the term tribal Everything about the media points to a tribal manner and way from individual manner Individualism books Tribalism media Involuntarily No longer concerned with self definition or finding individual ways Role of books is changing New media are now the teaching machines Books used to be teaching machines Media is taking away from the books Print is considered a media books are considered media BUT there is newer media now Individuals out tribal man in Makes comparison to adolescent and teenager Adolescent is books Teenager is media Adolescent is trying to find self Teenager is trying to find out what the general public thinks Lecture 3 Why is the world becoming retribalized because of the global village People are able to communicate through media There s no more sense of I or individualism Why study intercultural communication 6 reasons Self Awareness You don t know who you are without knowing who you are not Best way travel to new culture Familiar with our cultural practices Realizes own cultural biases Demographic Minorities are on the rise 2050 white non hispanics 49 of population today 70 Hispanics 15 to 30 Changing society changing rules Changing rules intercultural conflict Economic Global markets and globalization Requires increased cultural understanding McLuhan s argument of world becoming smaller markets are becoming interconnected Global markets are becoming interconnected Technological Increased information increase contact Raises questions of identity and access Is the internet a privilege or human right More and more people are seeing it as a human right Everyone needs to have equal access to the internet because it allows us to become more interculturally competent as we communicate with others but also that we can address the oppression happening around us Peace Work through intercultural differences Misunderstanding conflict One way to create peace is to become more interculturally aware Ethical The principles of conduct that govern the behavior of a group What is good What is moral What is good and moral in one culture could be different in another One might believe something is right and others see it as wrong Ex The thumbs up for good job but other cultures have different connotation We need to be aware of these in other cultures so we don t criticize them from our egocentric perspective Lecture 4 History of intercultural communication started after WWII with the Foreign Service Institute They studied proxemics Proxemics the distance between other folks Important vocabulary words from Chapter 2 Afrocentrism an orientation toward African or African American cultural standards including beliefs and values as the criteria for interpreting behaviors and attitudes pg 65 Anxiety Uncertainty Management Theory the view that the reduction of anxiety and uncertainty plays an important role in successful intercultural communication particularly when experiencing new cultures pg 56 Collectivistic the tendency to focus on the goals needs and views of the ingroup rather than individuals own goals needs and views pg 55 Individualistic The tendency to emphasize the individual identities beliefs needs goals and views rather than those of the group pg 55 Ethnography a discipline that examines the patterned interactions and significant symbols of specific cultural groups to identify the cultural norms that guide their behaviors usually based on field studies pg 60 Face Negotiation Theory the view that cultural groups vary in preferences for conflict styles and face saving strategies pg 56 Intercultural Competence the ability to behave

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TAMU COMM 335 - COMM335--Test1

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