Homework 4 6 9 You will complete this assignment in SPSS and will upload the assignment in the online Homework 4 assignment portal This assignment includes two sets of applied questions and two sets of conceptual questions which are described below Email me if you have any questions APPLIED QUESTIONS SET 1 Use the information below and SPSS to create a dataset complete the appropriate steps analyses and answer the following questions in the Blackboard assignment This is the same thing we did in class A psychologist asks 10 students from a very large psychology program to report the number of nightmares they had in a week before their first college exam Their scores are as follows 2 4 4 3 1 0 1 5 0 1 1 Decide whether to use the formulas for population central tendency and variability or for sample central tendency and variability Answer Question 1 in the Homework 4 online assignment 2 Set up your dataset format your variables correctly and enter the scores Be sure to include appropriate variable names decimal places labels and measure type 3 Enter the data and complete the appropriate analyses to be able to find the following information Central tendency mean median mode Variability variance standard deviation Z scores for select participants 4 After you complete these steps answer Questions 2 8 in the Homework 4 online assignment You will be graded on your ability to set up and format each variable correctly and enter the scores correctly You will also be graded on your ability to find central tendency variability and z scores using the correct methods APPLIED QUESTIONS SET 2 Use the information below and the same SPSS documents from Set 1 to set up your variables complete the appropriate steps analyses and answer the following questions in the Blackboard assignment This is slightly more complicated than in class Bob and Sam are both taking a class in Statistics Bob is taking the class from Dr Brown and Sam is taking the class from Dr Smith These are the only two classes offered in Statistics in the entire world and there are only 10 students per class hint you are looking at the entire population of statistics students not just a sample Bob and Sam both take a test over Chapter 1 Bob receives an 87 on the test and Sam receives a 90 on the test Sam thinks he s smarter than Bob because he had a higher score However you know that all things are relative and it is not as simple as comparing raw test scores You want to compare the two scores relative to the average performance for each class i e figure out which student has a higher score relative to their peers but the tests are completely different from one another The tests scores are as follows assume a minimum test score of 0 and a maximum test score of 100 Dr Brown s Class Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Bob Score 89 70 65 68 80 71 82 65 84 87 Dr Smith s Class Student 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Sam Score 92 94 98 86 85 91 100 98 80 90 1 Set up your dataset use the same dataset as Set 1 just create new variables format your variables correctly and enter the scores Be sure to include appropriate variable names decimal places labels and measure type Hint Treat these two classes as two separate analyses You need to create a variable for ID for Dr Brown s class one variable for Scores for Dr Brown s class one variable for ID for Dr Smith s class and one variable for Scores for Dr Smith s class You need to do separate analyses central tendency variability and z scores for Dr Brown s class and then do them again for Dr Smith s class Be sure they are separate or you will have a very difficult time with this assignment 5 Decide whether to use the formulas for population central tendency and variability or for sample central tendency and variability Answer Question 9 in the Homework 4 online assignment 2 Enter the data and complete the appropriate analyses to be able to find the following information for each class Central tendency mean median mode for Dr Brown s class and for Dr Smith s class separate sets of central tendency Variability variance standard deviation for Dr Brown s class and for Dr Smith s class separate sets of variability Z score for Bob participant 10 in Dr Brown s class Z score for Sam participant 10 in Dr Smith s class 3 Compare Bob s Z score to Sam s Z score Decide which Z score is larger higher This will indicate which student has a higher grade relative to their class average 4 After you complete these steps answer Questions 10 22 in the Homework 4 online assignment You will be graded on your ability to set up and format each variable correctly and enter the scores correctly You will also be graded on your ability to find central tendency variability and z scores for each class using the correct methods Attach your dataset to Question 23 of the Blackboard Homework 4 assignment Attach your syntax to Question 24 of the Blackboard Homework 4 assignment Attach your output to Question 25 of the Blackboard Homework 4 assignment CONCEPTUAL QUESTIONS SETS 1 2 In the Class 4 assignment and the applied portions of this assignment you used SPSS to calculate central tendency variability and z scores For Conceptual Set 1 you will be calculating central tendency and variability by hand For Conceptual Set 2 you will be calculating central tendency variability and z scores by hand You will be given credit for both conceptual sets in Questions 26 27 of the Homework 4 online assignment You will do this as a paper hard copy assignment and hand it in to me at the beginning of the next class You may also submit it to the Psychology Main Office Terrill Hall 3rd floor to be time stamped and placed in my mailbox The paper assignments will be handed out as a separate piece of paper If you are not in class today to receive it be sure you email me to obtain a copy Submit your assignment after you are satisfied with your answers It is due at the beginning of class on 6 14
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