1 2 3 4 5 6 7
13.4 - Polar Coordinates
3 pages
11.3 - The Cross Product
7 pages
11.2 - Vectors and the Dot Product in 3D
10 pages
11.1 - 3D Coordinate System
13 pages
10.9 - Applications of Taylor Series
5 pages
10.7 - Taylor and Maclaurin Series
8 pages
10.6 - Representations of Functions as a Power Series
10.4 - Other Convergence Tests
10.3 - Integral and Comparison Tests
10.2 - Series
10.1 - Sequences
9.4 - Area of a Surface of Revolution
6 pages
9.3 - Arc Length
8.9 - Improper Integrals
8.4 - Integration of Rational Functions by Partial Fractions
8.3 - Trigonometric Substitutions
8.2 - Trigonometric Integrals
8.1 - Integration by Parts
7.5 - Average Value of a Function
4 pages
7.4 - Work
7.3 - Volumes by Cylindrical Shells
7.2 - Volume
9 pages
7.1 - Area Between Curves
6.5 - The Substitution Rule
6.4 - Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
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